Privateer 2


Hello all,

I am new to this board. I Am a HUGE fan of privateer 1. I have a few questions.

1) Is Privateer 2 the same type of game that privateer 1 was?

2) what are some Negative/Positive points on Privateer 2?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, is the same style of game, you are a privateer you can commerce, kills pirates, the game have FMV and a good plot

Pros:Good engine (B-render) lots of planets, almost 15 ships, good plot

Cons: nothing in common with the carachter of Priv1, altough is the same universe, you will not recognize anything from the other WC games (only the Talon, an easter egg), it have bad ambientance, some stupids missions. it´s FULL OF BUGS.
Hey Propain,

1.) Yeah it is the same commodities training, killing for bounties, and doing plot based missions that Priv 1 was.

Positive points
- better game engine :)
- movie cinematics
- I liked the idea of piloting a fighter and protecting a cargo ship rather than piloting a cargoship/fighter

- none! :D

well some people didn't like the british feel it had to it
it is on the fringe of the WC universe. You never see Kilrathi, and the closest link to Privateer 1 is you get to rescue a ship shaped vaguely like a talon.

I only wish Priv 3 came out. It looked like it was going to be a kick ass mix of both the games.:(
Well, the game have serious bugs, like the problem of landing in Hermes, only few of them are solved with the patch.
Originally posted by Ghost
Well, the game have serious bugs, like the problem of landing in Hermes, only few of them are solved with the patch.

I've played through Privateer 2 many times, since it's one of my favorites, and the only bug I've occasionally encountered is the game hanging. Very occasionally.
Uh there ARE bugs in Priv2

Uh your wrong there I have seen bugs, not in my machine, but when I lent it to a friend, he had a massive speed bug in the windows 9x version Sometimes it was too fast at others too slow, It may be because of processor type... he had a celeron.....
Priv 2 is a pretty good game.

Pros :

IMHO the plot is pretty good. Movies are atmospheric and appropriate, acting is on the whole pretty good (I have a lot of time for both Clive Owen and Christopher Walken ... although Walken has been in a couple of movies he probably regrets).

There are a LOT of different ships in the game:
- nearly 20 different fighters to purchase/fly (although you'll probably only bother with 3-5 as your finances increase).
- cargo ships available for hire. Useful for both cargo runs to make money early in the game, and for extra firepower on difficult missions.
- 4 different pirate clans (+ the Kindred), all with their own light, medium and heavy fighters, plus cruisers and shuttles, as well as the CIS(militia/insystem security).

A fair bit of variety in the missions you can fly. Apart from the direct plot-related missions, there are also random side-quests, the typical patrol/escort/crush-kill-&-destroy missions, and you can even turn on your 'distress beacon receiver' and pick up extra missions in flight.

Cons :

The game can be buggy. Mine tends to crash every so often - not very often, but frustrating when you've just spent half-an-hour questing from one side of the system to the other. Probably depends on your hardware setup as to whether this will affect you or not.

Poor enemy AI. One of the available guns (I'll let you figure out which one) has both high damage and extreme range. Mount 4-5 of these suckers on your Freij MkII and you can mow down hundreds of enemies before they even get within range of you as the foolishly try to fly head-to-head. Still, if there are enough of them to get close enough (i.e. the ones that make it past your intitial gun barrage), they can still cause some worries. And of course, it will take you some while to earn the money to be able to mount that sort of firepower - the privaliges of success.

Not really part of the WC Universe :

Ummmm ... don't overreact there guys. Yes, it's still part of the official WC Universe, but there are no Kilrathi, no Confed, no Retros (damn ... oh well, I'll just pretend the Kindred are really Retros in disguise). Still, I personally don't consider this a con. I don't 'not buy' a game just because I can't kill Kilrathi.

Overall :

If I had to make the choice again, I'd still definitely buy the game. If you enjoyed Privateer 1, Priv 2 is a very similar concept (well duh!), and pretty well done overall. From what I've heard, it's still a heck of a lot better then many of the more recent games that have come out.
What I enjoyed about Priv2 most was its different ship designs and its strange atmosphere.
What I disliked was that although you have a wide variety of ships/guns etc... to choose from, only very few are actually worth anything.
What you might dislike is that you will not feel familiar with it, since -even though it's officially in the Wc universe, only more in the future- you will not easily recognize the Wc-relations.
I enjoyed the game nevertheless and encourage you to buy it.
Re: Uh there ARE bugs in Priv2

Originally posted by Darkmage
Uh your wrong there I have seen bugs, not in my machine, but when I lent it to a friend, he had a massive speed bug in the windows 9x version Sometimes it was too fast at others too slow, It may be because of processor type... he had a celeron.....

Must be something else. I have a celeron, and I play the windows 9x version of P2 a lot (it's one of my favorite games), but I can't remember having found any bugs ever, except for some very occasional lockups.

If you're looking for a good, fun game, then I'd say P2's only con is the weak AI, but IMHO the rest of the game more than makes up for that... but if you're looking for a good WC game, then you might be disappointed, as the setting in P2 is very different from all other WC games.

Originally posted by AzraeL
Not really part of the WC Universe :
Ummmm ... don't overreact there guys. Yes, it's still part of the official WC Universe, but there are no Kilrathi, no Confed, no Retros (damn ... oh well, I'll just pretend the Kindred are really Retros in disguise). Still, I personally don't consider this a con. I don't 'not buy' a game just because I can't kill Kilrathi.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Just because theres no Cats doesn't mean it's not Wing Commander. You just want to say it is for ease of mind. Problem is, it is Wing Commander. LOAF will say so.
Originally posted by LeHah

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

Just because theres no Cats doesn't mean it's not Wing Commander. You just want to say it is for ease of mind. Problem is, it is Wing Commander. LOAF will say so.

The problem is, it doesn't quack like a duck.

Sure, it walks kinda like a duck (there are spaceships, and shields, and guns, and planets, and ....) so its probably a wading bird of some description. But, as stated, there are no Cats or Confed or Retros or ANYTHING about it that jumps up and down and screams "This is definately Wing Commander!!!".

.... well, at least, there's nothing visible in the game. I'm sure Loaf will jump up and down and scream "This is definately Wing Commander!!!". And I agree with him ... it's a Roberts game (albeit a different Roberts) and it is set in a future time in a different part of the WC universe. But there's nothing obvious in the game that sets it apart from any other space sim as a WC game.

Some people see this as a disadvantage or a Con. I personally don't. I judge any game, whether it's a game with WC emblazened in the title or not, by its own merits. Privateer 2 is a good game, even without any blatent WC references ... it doesn't need them, and it doesn't detract from the game.
When LOAF asks you to jump, you don't ask why, you ask "How High?".

He says Privateer 2: the Darkening is a WC game, it's a bloody WC game.

And LOAF doesn't jump up and down; he's too dignified for that. :)
Originally posted by LeHah
When LOAF asks you to jump, you don't ask why, you ask "How High?".

Jump? You overstimate my dedication and understimate my laziness. :o

And LOAF doesn't jump up and down; he's too dignified for that.

Dignified? Is that what they call it these days? :D
Originally posted by LeHah
When LOAF asks you to jump, you don't ask why, you ask "How High?".

He says Privateer 2: the Darkening is a WC game, it's a bloody WC game.

And LOAF doesn't jump up and down; he's too dignified for that. :)

You sounds like Bob !!!!