Privateer 1

We need help finding the TRE file to Privateer 1. Not RF, just Privateer. Does anyone know where to find it?

There's GOTTA be someone better than these SLACKERS!
Iceman, yes! Mojo's game is scratched right down to the data, but my father can make a new CD if he has that file. Do you know where to find an undamaged copy? Of just the file?
Bad Mojo and Edge said:
Iceman, yes! Mojo's game is scratched right down to the data, but my father can make a new CD if he has that file. Do you know where to find an undamaged copy? Of just the file?

I don't know about the original version, but the priv.tre from the CD version is about 80 megs, so it would be a prety long download. And downloading it would be ilegal anyhow.
Well, we have a program that resumes downloads even when interrupted. But illegal? If we are just downloading it to repair a legally sold copy, and not selling it, I don't think they can persecute for that.
Bad Mojo and Edge said:
Well, we have a program that resumes downloads even when interrupted. But illegal? If we are just downloading it to repair a legally sold copy, and not selling it, I don't think they can persecute for that.

Well, if you could prove that you realy have the game.... But I think the only legal way would be to e-mail OSI, and ask for a replacement CD. Though I doubt they have any of those lying around.
Bad Mojo and Edge said:
Hmmm...he has the CD itself, would that work?

There's an email address for Origin for disk exchange, though I don't remember what it is, you coul email them, and ask if they still have some copies of Privateer. If they do, they'll probably ask you to send the damaged CD to them and when they'll get it, they'll send you a new one. I'm not sure if you would have to pay anything, but if you would it would probably be less then a new copy of the game would cost.

Here's the address: Send them an email and ask if they'll replace your CD.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited March 06, 2000).]