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just check if you have a folder in c: called "temp"

if you do, try making a file there
and type in it "bleh"
and save it...if you get no errors.... then that's not the problem
if you couldn't do one of these things then that is the problem
And if I crash my game/computer f-ing around with things I don't know anything about?

I installed the game completely with default settings. The only thing I changed was the base size thing. I don't know why the sound is different in this version than the previous ones I tried. It's only different because you gave me something different. I don't think it's a good idea for me to go screwing aroung with files. Remember what happened when I tried to put the turret patch in. Everything disappeared.

I'm trying to work my way through the game normally, no hacks, no cheats, and send y'all reports on what doesn't seem right. I've almost got enough money to start the campaign, I want a decked out Centurion before I go see Sandoval.
all I'm asking is if you have a folder called temp on your C drive--because Vega Strike writes some temporary music files there...

it won't crash your computer to check that :-) I promise

i.e. the new vegastrike writes to a folder outside of its directory called c:\temp
and if you don't have that folder then it won't work

I thought that folder came with every system but maybe I'm mistaken--this is the only thing I'm attempting to I making sense?

basically I *assumed* all systems had a temporary directory in c:\ because all windows 98 computers had it and XP was supposed to be compatible... if it does not have such a folder then I was mistaken in my assumption and need to fix my soundserver...and *you* can make a folder called "temp" in c: to get music to work...
Ridgerunner said:
And if I crash my game/computer f-ing around with things I don't know anything about?

I installed the game completely with default settings. The only thing I changed was the base size thing. I don't know why the sound is different in this version than the previous ones I tried. It's only different because you gave me something different. I don't think it's a good idea for me to go screwing aroung with files. Remember what happened when I tried to put the turret patch in. Everything disappeared.

I'm trying to work my way through the game normally, no hacks, no cheats, and send y'all reports on what doesn't seem right. I've almost got enough money to start the campaign, I want a decked out Centurion before I go see Sandoval.

Dude, I'd be happy to walk you through anything if you're willing to give it a try. If you have AIM my screen name is B178152222. If you do, let me know and I'll leave mine on when I'm online. Then I can help you get some of the particulars going.

Ummm. . .
How the heck did I just suck 3 Salthi ships into the50 cubic metre hold of my centurion? I was in tight and didn't realise I had my tractor on with my guns and Whirrrr-THUNK. One ship in. In tight again and Whirrrr-THUNK!

I got all three.
The volume problem is fine. I was pressing the wrong key sets. Like many "bugs", the problem is with the PC operator and not the software code.

One potential bug I've noticed and forgot to bring to your attention: In this version pressing the [p] button, to target the front view target, locks the game up and puts white-gray, fuzzy rectangles over the autopilot light, energy bar, and jump fuel bar. Hitting [p] again un-locks the game and everything then works. All previous versions on my two PC system, both running WIN98SE, worked without problems with the [p] key targeting.
p has changed function to mean "pause" which indeed locks the game and puts static on your screen so you can't plan your next move

on the other hand 'y' now performs the function p used to perform

I could theoretically make 'e' do what 'y' does right now...i.e. bring up the examine screen and target the guy in front of you
Thanks for the info, hellcatv. Especially good to have such a logical pause key, now. Did I miss the re-assignment of keys in this version? I thought I read through the manual again to make sure I caught changes prior to posting something as a problem. Sorry.
hoovsbin said:
Page 90 in the manual, under 'Quick Key Guide' still lists the [p] key to do what the [y] key now does.

Not a bug. Silverain did the manual and when it was released, p was indeed a targeting key. It is something that the readme will have to have as a correction until an update can be done to the manual.
Wendy said:
Not a bug. Silverain did the manual and when it was released, p was indeed a targeting key. It is something that the readme will have to have as a correction until an update can be done to the manual.

Updated and posted in my usual spot - see the Manual thread for location. Also updated the base computer screenshots for new background.

@hoovsbin, its what I get for doing a manual when the game isn't locked down :)
hellcat: I'm still trying to come up with some useful info on the music problem. Here goes: I started the game back up. A Galaxy at Perry. The Perry base music was there. So I just let it sit while I was working to see how long it would play. After about 20 minutes or so, I figured it would go on forever. So I launched out to go to New Detroit to get an Orion. I was about 50K kliks away at 299kps when the patrol music stopped. I was doing a cargo run to New Detroit. Some Retros jumped me, no music of any kind. I sucked up the Retros, and continued on. All other sound seemed to fade as time went by. I got to ND and the base music came on, but quit after about 5 min. I could barely hear the bartender audio, even with the PC sound cranked all the way up. Stripped the Galaxy, and got an Orion. Sold the tachyons for 10 credits, and bought them back for same. Some other price problems, but that was the most noticeable. Took 3 cargo runs to Newcastle, and the patrol music was back, but not very loud. I did the shift > thing and it brought it up a little. Got blowed up. Did a restart to get a visible tractor beam back, and all the sounds were back just like in previous releases. Patrol music still cuts out, but good volume everywhere. Course, I was only able to go back to Perry and ND before I ran out of time. Scarfed up 2 Retros with the Orion and 50 cargo space. Ship description when I bought it said I could get an expansion, but it was red when I tried.

Was I supposed to be able to sell my Tarsus?

Wendy: AIM? What the hell is that? What you guys need to get is that you should be amazed that I'm on a computer at all. To me they're things to play games on. Since DOS is gone, I'm totally lost trying to do files and stuff in Windows because I don't know how to not F it up. I crashed my Windows 95 way back cause I thought I'd free up some disk space by deleting some stuff I never used. XP is even more dangerous to mess with.
Ridgerunner said:
Was I supposed to be able to sell my Tarsus?

Wendy: AIM? What the hell is that? What you guys need to get is that you should be amazed that I'm on a computer at all. To me they're things to play games on. Since DOS is gone, I'm totally lost trying to do files and stuff in Windows because I don't know how to not F it up. I crashed my Windows 95 way back cause I thought I'd free up some disk space by deleting some stuff I never used. XP is even more dangerous to mess with.

I can buy and sell any ship I own. I would think you SHOULD be able to sell the Tarsus.

AIM is A-o-hell Instant Messenger
I've done a lot of work with people that knew DOS but couldn't grasp windoze. Not that I like doze mind, but that it's what is in most offices around the country. I sold systems to bvusinesses and then had to train people to use those systems. AIM usually comes packaged with Netscrape or you can download it separately. in any case, if you use it I can chat with you and walk you through some simple changes or configuration things.

XP is supposed to be impossible to crash because you can't delete the essential files needed to run it.
Maybe so, but you sure can frig things up easily enough. I'll be happy to try to help you.
Go ahead and e-mail me. Not that I check my e-mail all that often.

Hope to see you back some day.

"Mind what you have learned. Help you it will."
Starships on the commodity exchange when no ship is available that can carry them? What up with that? Or can the Drayman that magically appeared in the ship dealer handle it?

By the way, has Paramount contacted y'all about your Enterprise looking Drayman?

I went to ND to strip my Orion and get a Centurion. I had over 400,000 credits before attempting to buy the 200,000 credit ship. After I bought it, I had over 300,000 credits.

I think New Detroit could use a load of calculators.

As far as the music goes, I'll just wait around for the next version or something.

And to anyone that's interested, my beef with the disappearing Tarsus is that you couldn't sell the original Tarsus in previous releases, I didn't get any money for it when I sold it, and it wasn't available for purchase at the ship dealer where I sold it. Ergo, it dsappeared.
Started the campaign in my fairly tricked out Centurion. No probs yet except.......

I'll try to keep a better eye on it, but it seemed like I was being paid too much for some missions. I had an idea how much I would be making, and it seemed like I ended up with more money than I should have.