Post Your Desktop [joke about dialup haha I am a comedian]


a full fledged GF
Frosty's not done shitposting yet, so we now have a Post Your Desktop thread!

For all eight of you who will participate: Post your freaking background so others can use it if they want. I hate when you see a cool desktop and no link to the original image.

Here's mine. Some shit has been blurred to protect the innocent...






Time Machine:

You know you want to mack my OS.

I get most of my desktop backgrounds from Mandolux, which is about 70:30 awful:good, but the images are gigantic and new ones are added regularly, so I check back often. I have my background set to cycle to a new one every 24 hours or restart. Here are all of them:


Y'all gonna make me wait 45 seconds?!

Only 20 images per post? Eff that noise right in its eff-socket. Here are the rest:


So, bitches, what's up now?
Hopefully this uploads correctly- first time attaching an image to a forum for me (back when I went to them a lot more often I was on dial-up and...well).

As it ends out, I found this while doing a report recently, and am glad for it.


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    Black Hole.jpg
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Here is my crumblebum work desktop. Now I have to go to the National Air and Space Museum.


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I had Mr. Eisenhorn on my desktop for months, but this week I changed it to some guy on a tank.


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Hey, t.c., you're a Warhammer 40K fan? My friend just got the starter kit and we're going to have a game soon...

If you happen to know where to find cheap miniatures I'd be much indebted ;D
Hey, t.c., you're a Warhammer 40K fan? My friend just got the starter kit and we're going to have a game soon...

If you happen to know where to find cheap miniatures I'd be much indebted ;D

If you like it as a hobby I'd suggest buying directly from Games Workshop. They've been in financial limbo for a long time. But, no, I don't know where to find fallen-off-the-truck or knock-off figurines.
If you like it as a hobby I'd suggest buying directly from Games Workshop. They've been in financial limbo for a long time. But, no, I don't know where to find fallen-off-the-truck or knock-off figurines.

No, I don't mean fake ones- I mean, I'm more than willing to get used miniatures, ones from various distributors online that sell the real deal, etc... but thank you for the advice.
Oh, ELTEE, two posts and no screenshots. You wound us all very deeply. And Dyret and AD, this thread weeps for your callous disregard of the need of the people to see your icons.
I thought it's pretty darn amazing.

Think again, because I'm here to tell you that that picture... IS A FAKE!

In real life the flying aeroships with the red flags had 36" side-guns, not 33" ones.
Wow, how could I have missed that?
On a related note...36" guns? Good god. A three foot wide shell? That's pure distilled pain right there.
That's a cool picture. Does it count as steampunk? I don't really know what steampunk is, but I do know it means things are copper-colored. It reminds me of Last Exile, except without all the icky animu dragging it down.
That's quite a background there, Howard! :D

I've been using one of your Bengal renderings as my desktop for the past couple of weeks. I think I mirrored the original image and increased the canvas size so that the proportions would stay the same for my desktop resolution. I've included the image I use below for anyone else using a 16:10 monitor at 1920x1200 or below.


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