Please put the XanMovie codec back up

It was still in LOAF's directory on last time I looked... and why would you want it? HCl's Movie Viewer is in every way superior...

Not to mention that the Movie Viewer already has the XanMovie codec included, doesn't it? As does the WC4 Windows patch, IIRC.

I'm trying to rip the first movie to an avi that i convert to an mpeg (HCI's movie viewer can't do this). However Media Player should be able to play this clip (i've seen it done) but with no audio, though that's no problem since i'll just get the audio from another source


p.s. it's the dolby surround logo i need :)
Originally posted by Treguard
Can't see why you deleted it
Because we're mean sons of bitches. And we're not re-uploading it either!

We obviously didn't decide to delete it...
Prophecy's logo movies should be easy to extract - they're in MOVIES.TRE

0000.WVE Origin Logo
0001.WVE Dolby Surround Logo
0002.WVE Prophecy Logo