Pirates!!! F-38 Talon Paper model


Paper Commander

I present my latest model

The F-38 Talon fighter of Wing Commander Privatter Classic PC Game.

The Talon is a ancient light fighter take much used by pirates and other criminals on the border between the Terran Confederation and the Kilrath Empire...

My model in scale 1 / 200 has three different liverys representing these criminal groups: Church of Man, Pirates and Milicia of the Try-System

The 3D and textures were designed by Eder Vieito for the add on for Wing Commander Prophecy called Standoff

The author kindly gave to me into a papermodel ...

This model is easy to build and complete in some hours...

This model will soon be available for download on my site Paper Commander. :cool:











That's sexy. When I get my hands on some scissors and glue and all that stuff I'm so making one of these.
Very nice work as always, Péricles.... the smaller models like these are even more amazing. Congrats!
I love the huge variety in your models. Talon, Venture, Clydesdale, Gladius, Seahawk. It's not just all the popular superships.
Thank's my friends!!!! :) The Talon and another models (Dorkhati, Free Trader, Arrow, and another surprises) is avaliable for download in Paper Commander soon in a monster update (my prevision is may) but no worry i'm show the updates here...

Cheers!!!! ;)
Sigh...still waiting to see one of my ships available! Maybe I could bribe you with some original textures...

It probably wouldn't hurt. :) Pericles' work has been aided recently by the batch of Standoff models he was given.
It probably wouldn't hurt. :) Pericles' work has been aided recently by the batch of Standoff models he was given.

Actually, given my workload and all I have been slower about getting stuff out than I'd like, but I do still the original Alias models (textures and all) for these ships: Murphy Destroyer, Devastator, Midway, Stingray, Shrike, and Vindicator. I'd be happy to make all those available if anyone wants to take them and play with them, convert them to whatever format they want, whatever....I'd be happy to help out via email too.
Actually, given my workload and all I have been slower about getting stuff out than I'd like, but I do still the original Alias models (textures and all) for these ships: Murphy Destroyer, Devastator, Midway, Stingray, Shrike, and Vindicator. I'd be happy to make all those available if anyone wants to take them and play with them, convert them to whatever format they want, whatever....I'd be happy to help out via email too.

Hello friends!

Thanks for the mention in the Boing Boing!


In their models would be an honor for me. I have models of the Vindicator, but the textures are weak, love to make a better model of the ship ...

If you want to send me an email will be pleasure send me a private message to operationalize.

Just promise not run. Why am I giving priority to the ships of the older games Wing Commander I, II, Privatter, Armada.
Sounds great. Paper models of all those ships would be excellent. We can also post the models here at the site if you'd like to put them out there for other projects.
Agreed - and I think more than projects would be interested. I'm no artist, but I *really* enjoy studying the original models for these ships.