Piranha Civilan fighter

Chevieblazer said:
well, space carriers don't need to be warships...
and this is a nexus necessity, because fighters can not operate on their own

If you absolutely need to give them a mothership, give them a small capital ship like a Caernaven or a modified transport.
t.c.cgi said:
Is there some reason you can't just make them really small, fast "capital" ships as a work-around?

it can be done to have such a ship, but it will totally screw up weapon categories.
nexus has a special category for aa weapons, and if you make a fighter a capship(which is problematic also because of the size of the ship) it will behave like one, meaning it will get hit by the big guns, but flak cannons, including all the guns on other fighters won't work any more, therefore you can hit them with torpedos and naval neutron cannons, which is not going to be such great fun.

having a converted civilian transport would be a great idea though, we'll look into that
no, i won't drop the piranha, i still need it, but they will have the talon.

about the retro insignia, anybody have a template? i didn't know what it looked like, so there is none, this is,so to speak,the bleak version

best i could find
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uhh, sorry, missunderstanding. i meant, does anybody have a pic of the retro insignia?

or is it just the eye like on the left most talon?
hmm, i can work with those, thaks a lot, eder!
Chevieblazer said:
uhh, sorry, missunderstanding. i meant, does anybody have a pic of the retro insignia?

or is it just the eye like on the left most talon?
hmm, i can work with those, thaks a lot, eder!

Yes. White paint, red trim, eye noseart.
the original is quite small, so I vectored the damn thing...


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