Pick Your Favorite Music Next (December 4, 2005)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
The results for our minimum system requirements poll are in. Most people believed that a modern 2.0 GHz system with half a gigabyte of RAM and a standard 128 meg video card could be the minimum specs for the next PC based Wing Commander game. This reflects our community's continued optimism that more games will be arriving sooner rather than later. Less than 10% of people polled thought the next WC game would require components beyond the current technological envelope, but even if their opinion turn out to be correct, we'll still be here to welcome the future titles when they arrive. A similar proportion of fans thought the next game would only be released for consoles and handheld gaming devices. Who knows? How many people expected the wonderful Prophecy Advance's arrival?

What minimum specs do you expect for the next WC game?

2.0 GHz, 512 RAM, 128 Video: 32.79%

3.0 GHz, 1.0 RAM, 256 Video: 30.23%

4.0 GHz, 2.0 RAM, 512 Video: 16.96%

Higher: 8.95%

XBox 360/PS3 Only: 7.70%

Nintendo DS/PSP Only: 3.38%

Total Votes: 1598

Our next poll asks which Wing Commander products had your favorite music. Your options include Team Fat's classic Wing Commander 1&2 tracks, George Oldziey's popular orchestral base for Wing Commander 3 through Prophecy, Cobalt-60's techno background for Secret Ops, the unique style of Privateer & Academy, or David Arnold's distinct Wing Commander Movie score.

Original update published on December 4, 2005
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I was REALLY thorn between WC3 and Privateer for favorite music. The Intro score in Priv is priceless and the Agricultural base music is, in my book, the most dead-on "mood" music ever.
But in the end, I had to give it to WC3... my first WC experience and my first love, there's just nothing that can beat that.
Eh, thats common knowledge. I think that mentioning Kiner is only if you're trying to give credit to the whole of the work. Since Arnold did the four major themes in the score - which is what we're going to remember for this poll - we're better off leaving it at that.
I have to go with WC3. The opening score in that is just too brillant to pass up.
I gotta admit that WC is probably the only game I can think of that always impressed me with it's original music. Thats what makes this poll so tough. I ended up voting for WC1 and 2 - if you'd've asked me 3 years ago, I'd've said WC3-P without hesitation but now that I'm more familiar with the first game, I have a much greater appreciation for the score. Not to mention - my favorite peice of music in the saga is the launch theme from Wing Commander; it's what I set my cell phone alarm to.
Marc said:
I was REALLY thorn between WC3 and Privateer for favorite music. The Intro score in Priv is priceless and the Agricultural base music is, in my book, the most dead-on "mood" music ever.
But in the end, I had to give it to WC3... my first WC experience and my first love, there's just nothing that can beat that.

For several years, I'd often sit and realize I had the Privateer mining base theme stuck in my head. It was kind of depressing, because at the time there was no DOSBox or GG and few people had old computers to run it. Fortunately everyone's got Privateer on the brain these days, so things are much happier, but I always miss the game when I think of that base music. There were some great happy musics too, such as the Oxford theme.

Unregistered said:
I dont mean to be picky, but David Arnold only did part of the scorefor the film mostly the theme and maybe other small elemets, most of the score was written by Kevin Kiner.

I was going off links from our archive, and we didn't have a good Kiner one, so I forgot to bring him up for discussion when we were writing the update. I went ahead and added his name back to the update. The poll option offers Wing Commander products, not composers, so people can vote for the movie with either person in mind.
Yup, nothing answers the question "which Wing Commander products had your favorite music?" like 'Crusader: No Remorse'.
Well what can I say I couldnt resist, besides the game had a good soundtrack that I still remmber fondly. As for WC game music to be honest guess I didnt pay attention to them when I did play the games or they were averege for my taste.
And yes LOAF point taken, my post was bit offtopic.
Grasshopper said:
What a bad question!!! I agree, who the hell remembers the music?
Well... apart from one or two people like you and GreyViper, the general consensus is that music in the Wing Commander series is really great, and really memorable.
Well what can I say I couldnt resist, besides the game had a good soundtrack that I still remmber fondly. As for WC game music to be honest guess I didnt pay attention to them when I did play the games or they were averege for my taste.

They certainly weren't too average -- The Fatman's score for the original Wing Commander is still cited in the industry as one of the best ever written.
Grasshopper said:
What a bad question!!! I agree, who the hell remembers the music?

625 people did. I think a more apt question is - "How'd you forget?"
Grasshopper said:
What a bad question!!! I agree, who the hell remembers the music?

The vast majority of Wing Commander fans here consider music one of the series' greatest aspects.

Grasshopper said:
And No Remorse, did you whack to that? how did you remember?

Hey, if you don't make a quick attitude 180, you won't last long around here.
WC's music is really one of the greatest in video game and movie sound track history in my opinion. Many games will just throw together some simple 20 second loop and go with it, but with WC you always found music that was extremely thoughtfully constructed, dynamic, stylistic, and really quite excellent compositionally.

My vote goes for WC1-WC2. That was the sound that really defined Wing Commander in my opinion. I also enjoy WC3 and WC4, but they were heavily influenced by the sound of WC1 and WC2. This was the sound that most heavily influced me when working on UE and Standoff.
I'd say Privateer. The midi music from that game still stands out to me. Just play the intromovie again and listen.... now THAT is how you create atmosphere.