PETITION: Wing Commander Music CD?

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Query: The Fatman wants to know whether or not you would purchase a Wing Commander I & II soundtrack CD featuring "the best MT-32/SoundCanvas arrangements we can muster"? If enough people pledge their support to this product, it can concievably be produced and sold.

Please reply to this thread (if possible) or e-mail if you are interested.

Please do not use this thread for discussions -- just petition responses. Thanks!

This is a serious petition with a good chance for success! Lets show them our support, people!
i would buy one. but probably not over the interned without getting a credit card.

just thought of somthing. i can send money orders. i might buy one if he is selling in canada

[Edited by $tormin on 04-23-2001 at 22:51]
Count me in!

Just tell me how much it is and where I need to send the money!

[Edited by WildWeasel on 04-23-2001 at 23:10]
I bought a copy of that scary WCP soundtrack with all the people screaming in German, so I don't see why I wouldn't buy a real WC soundtrack either.
I'll purchase anything with "Wing Commander" on the cover! And I really liked the music in the first two (and Privateer, I LOVE the music from Privateer. The MIDIS I have of it is alone enough to make me want to get it...if only I could find it...:()

Ahem. Hell yeah, I'll buy it! I really loved the WC themes (I'm settling back into a habit of playing the MIDIS in a loop every moment I can), and the WCII stuff sure ain't bad either!

I would like to get CD's of the music from all of the WC games. At the moment I have been playing the midis and the mp3's that are posted in the files section and really do enjoy them. I got the WCP CD and sorry to say that music hurts my ears:( Bring on the music from WC 1-4:)

I would buy anything with the "Wing Commander" name. Hell, I have both the movie and Prophecy CDs. SO, I would definitely by the WC 1/2 and Privateer CDs if they were available.
Hey Rammstein are not weird German People, they are a really good band, I have their Sensucht album, They did some of the music in Prophecy!.
It'd probably be an incredible help if those of you which have signed in this official petition thread actually copied your thingie over to the new Petition Page here:
So talk to people, people who'd actually buy such a CD of course, and get them to fill out the page. It takes 14 seconds and you're all set!
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