Out With The Old, In With The New (September 2, 2006)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Our new poll commemorates the official announcement of EA Replay by asking how willing fans are to shell out for the next new Wing Commander experience. We don't expect that everyone can afford to buy new systems like we did, but with the game's retail price of only $19.99, even penny-pinching fans can help show Electronic Arts how popular Wing Commander is today!

Our old poll tried to unscientifically gauge how long our faithful visitors have been coming to the site. The results were very impressive. With nine options to choose from, the difference between the most and least voted choices was less than 5%. Almost a quarter of our fans have been around since before the CIC's founding, and more than two thirds of our viewers started reading without a new announced Wing Commander product on the horizon. All of these figures are pretty neat. Thanks for coming!

How long have you been visiting the CIC?

1 Year or less (2005)

2 Years (2004)

3 Years (2003)

4 Years (2002)

5 Years (2001)

6 Years (2000)

7 Years (1999)

Since CIC Grand Opening (1998)

Since WCHS (1996)

Ended September 2, 2006 | 1495 votes

Original update published on September 2, 2006
Last edited by a moderator:
Interesting spread. Glad to see that some of us old regulars still make up a good chunk of the community.
Unregistered said:
So, not buying it is just not an option, huh?

Why would it be? Our readers are people who've been desperately hoping that Electronic Arts creates something related to Wing Commander for eight long years. Who's still a regular reader and wouldn't spend $19.99 to finally see that dream realized?
Yeah, even if you don't own a PSP you should still buy the new game -- $20 is nothing.

(Also, the assumption that every poll is for everyone is something of a fallacy -- if the answer you want isn't there, you shouldn't be voting in it.)
That's definitely a misnomer indeed. A poll should be used to gauge opinions of a polarity - not various degrees of the same polarity.

I've been a WC fan since 1990, still have my 386 running just for that sole purpose, yet I won't be buying a PSP for various (non financial) reasons. So by the definitions here, that makes me some how lesser of a person.
Anyone who spends their time nitpicking unscientific internet polls is less of a person by *default* -- whether or not they're willing to spend $20 to show their support for Wing Commander doesn't even need enter into the equation.
Bandit LOAF said:
Not for Wing Commander fans, I suppose.

That is a gross inconsideration of those who visit this site. I might not be the most diehard of Wing Commander fans, but I am a fan. I may not post here often but I do visit this site regularly- at least every few days, if not everyday. And I know I am not alone in that I will not be buying a PSP (for this or any other game), nor will I be spending 20 dollars to buy a game I already own; just like I didn't buy a Gameboy Advanced, or Prophecy Advanced. The majority of visitors to any given site do not necessarily participate in it, and lumping everyone who visits into just the diehard category is just plain wrong. The point of most polls is to gather opinions on a subject from across the gambit, from total support, to indifference, to all out opposition. Of course many polls have a slant but at least most of them try to disguise it. Since there is no option that matches my opinion consider this my vote in the negative; and I encourage others to vote here as well, if their opinions are also not properly represented by the available choices.
The point of our polls is usually that they're a fun joke.

If you didn't buy WCP Advance, which is amazing, you're not a good fan. If you're posting awful paragraphs about how offended you are that our silly poll didn't have the option you want, then you're not a good person. Go away, this site isn't for you.
So, you come here to nitpick little details and try to claim WE are being insensitive to your views? The proper way to do that is to just say it would be nice to have more options not to say that it's inconsiderate to leave out options (which, btw is inconsiderate) I'm pretty sure people here would have been nicer if you took that into consideration.
sq_paradox said:
That is a gross inconsideration of those who visit this site.

This is a pretty gross post.

sq_paradox said:
The majority of visitors to any given site do not necessarily participate in it,

That's true. Every single one of our polls only gets votes from a small minority of our visitors. People who don't like them don't have to vote.

sq_paradox said:
The point of most polls is to gather opinions on a subject from across the gambit, from total support, to indifference, to all out opposition.

Good for them. When you make your website about opposition to Wing Commander, you're welcome to create all the negative options you want. The Wing Commander CIC happens to be a fan site, so you'll have to deal with the choices we give you.
It's really terrific to see how open of a fandom the CIC harbors.

Criticism, snyde remarks, and a general "old boys club" mentality prevails over the comments of the few.

That would be clever, except YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CAME HERE TO BITCH. We didn't go into your house and nitpick the color of your wallpaper.

If you couldn't figure out after eight years of making sure we update with two things about Wing Commander each day and spending our time counting every random mission in Privateer 2 and remembering to get five different pictures of every Arrow paint scheme that maybe, just maybe we were selling ourselves with some kind of hard core fan image then there's *something wrong with you*. You don't have to be some crazy WC fan to be here -- but certainly don't complain that everyone else is.
Unregistered said:
It's really terrific to see how open of a fandom the CIC harbors.

Criticism, snyde remarks, and a general "old boys club" mentality prevails over the comments of the few.

It is NONE of that, it is called standards. It's not criticism it's self-defense, it's not snyde remarks, it's the truth, and it can't be an "old boys club" because I and some other people on here are below the age of 18 and are accepted. We only get any flak if WE make a mistake. You sir, don't know what you're talking about.
Bandit LOAF said:
That would be clever, except YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CAME HERE TO BITCH. We didn't go into your house and nitpick the color of your wallpaper.

Stop. Let's put things in prespective.

Unregistered said:
So, not buying it is just not an option, huh?

sq_paradox's first post. It doesen't seem to me that sq_paradox is bitching. Rather, he is pointing out a funny little quirk in the poll. "Are you planning to buy a Sony PSP for EA Replay?" implies a yes/no answer and it is funny when one looks over the poll and finds no 'no' answer. Fair enough. However, immediately after this seemingly harmless post...

Bandit LOAF said:
Not for Wing Commander fans, I suppose.

sq_paradox's is attacked and it is further implied that he is not a Wing Commander fan. This response of course puts sq_paradox on the defensive which leads to the rather pointless debate about what should constitute an internet poll.
Stop. Let's put things in prespective.

Perspective? It's a stupid internet poll that some kid decided to bitch about. It *doesn't matter* -- that's perspective.

sq_paradox's is attacked and it is further implied that he is not a Wing Commander fan. This response of course puts sq_paradox on the defensive which leads to the rather pointless debate about what should constitute an internet poll.

I didn't attack him... I *directly* answered his question.
Bandit LOAF said:
Perspective? It's a stupid internet poll that some kid decided to bitch about. It *doesn't matter* -- that's perspective.

And from my perspective he didn't come here to bitch. It seems to me that he is trying to defend himself.

Bandit LOAF said:
I didn't attack him... I *directly* answered his question.

Granted, attack is probably too strong a word. But you did insult him by implying that he isn't a Wing Commander fan. And yeah, you *did* directly answer his question --but the two aren't mutually exclusive. I'm sure there would have been a way to reply to him without insulting him, like:

"Hi, welcome to cruis.net. The point of our polls is usually that they're a fun joke."

A bit more effective than "Not for Wing Commander fans, I suppose", no?