Origin Museum Cel's Out (November 1, 2005)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Joe and Paula Garrity, curators of the Origin Museum, have some fascinating new pieces in their collection... courtesy of Dan Bourbonnais! Bourbonnais is an Origin veteran best known to Wing Commander fans for his work as an artist on the first two titles in the series.

Among Joe's acquisitions is this pair of Wing Commander II-era background cels. These traditional paintings were scanned in and then digitized for use as backdrops for the game's cutscenes. Can't quite place them? That's because they're actually from the Wing Commander II Demo, which featured an alternate look for the 'Kilrathi throne room' introduction sequence. You can read more about the unique artwork of the Wing Commander 2 Demo here, or download your own copy from our files section.

Original update published on November 1, 2005
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Wow, that's awesome. Was this the common method back then? To paint traditionally and then translate into digital pixel art? It would be great to see some more if there is any available.
Yes interesting.

Hm, by the way, they rather look like the interior of Terran ships from WC 3 era (TCS Victory).