Only Tolwyn Could Go To China (June 20, 2006)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Pacific Epoch, a Chinese news site, has posted commentary on EVE Online's apparent failure in the Chinese market. Naturally, the problem is the same one we face today - a lack of Wing Commander.
Western kids grew up on flight and space sim games - Microsoft Flight Simulator, Wing Commander, Star Wars series (X-Wing, Tie Fighter, etc). Chinese gamers started their gaming experience a little late. As I said in our game report, that doesn't mean Chinese gamers aren't as good - the average Chinese gamer is probably superior in RTS and FPS games to his Western counterpart. But one area where Chinese gamers are less mature is that they haven't experience as many genres of games, and space sim is one of them.
They could have fooled us, though. As we recently reported, Wing Commander games have been available in China since the start of the series!

Original update published on June 20, 2006
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Probably not China

The packages are in Traditional Chinese instead of Simplified Chinese - so it is probably for the Hong Kong or Taiwan market - not mainland China.
Ironicaly, I just received the EVE newsletter, which mentions the chinese launch of EVE...

EVE China Open Beta Online

Almost half a million (!) aspiring capsuleers have registered for the EVE Online China Open Beta, and Serenity quickly seized the PCU World Record as more than 33.000 users logged in on the second day of service!

Don't ask, I don't know more...