New Mini Models Produced & Painted (March 24, 2011)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Mark N found some more awesome Wing Commander miniatures originating from the Starship Combat Forum. These are finished versions of the Studio Bergstrom prototypes that Astro Commander was also checking out earlier this year. As you can clearly see, the designs are all super detailed and expertly painted by andstrauss. The photography is high quality, and the stands that display each fighter show off the models in a variety of sharp attack angles. You can order unpainted versions of the craft for yourself here.

Original update published on March 24, 2011
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Those are gorgeous! Fantastic job!

I can already imagine tabletop admirals refighting the great campaigns of the Terran-Kilrathi War!
DAMN! those look good. I'm definitely getting myself a set of confed vs cats when I go down for Gencon.