New Flak Effect Idea


Rear Admiral
Hello Standoff Team,

I just had an idea for the simulated flak guns. Would it be possible for the flak guns to fire a small burst (like a pulse from a dust cannon) that would then explode at a distance from the vessel?

I like the flak used in Standoff, it just seems a little slow. I understand that there is only so much you can do with an engine was never designed to use flak guns. If there are limitations that cannot allow for this, the current flak effect is fine.
I'm still hoping that one of our coding geniuses will eventually make the scattergun patch work with turrets (which would allow for a "area damage" effect like you suggest... although it wouldn't really be a bullet that explodes into several pieces, but just several bullets that start from the same point and get spread out), but it's not possible yet, and it's not a priority either.

The alternative I considered during development was to use missile turrets as Flak turrets, but I ditched that idea because the area effect had to be either 2-dimensional (which made it miss a lot) or guided (which made it not miss enough), it didn't look as good as what we have now, and it occasionally crashed the game (because too many missiles being spawned at the same time seems to slow the game down and eventually freeze it up altogether).