Netbios on Dos


Vice Admiral
I've been connecting my 2 computers using a point-to-point connection, and I was wondering...

how do I install Netbios on my network so I can play WC Armada?

Well, for one, it can only be played in DOS, so I hope you have DOS drivers for your network adapter.
Well, for one, you can only play Armada in DOS, so I hope you have DOS drivers for your network adapter.
I am working on getting my little network going on this... and will post here when i get it figured out... :)

Originally posted by TheFraix
I've been connecting my 2 computers using a point-to-point connection, and I was wondering...
how do I install Netbios on my network so I can play WC Armada?
Best start with getting an IPX network running.
You will need
some odi driver that came with your network card (hopefully)
and or IPXODI.exe Don't remember which one.
You will also need a properly configured net.cfg file which can be a PITA. A (usually) bad sample can be found on the driver disks.

First try if that is running. Use Armada Prooving Grounds for example - the free Armada Addon. Unlike the original that one uses IPX.

Next get a hold of the file
It can be found with various novel products as well as caldera open dos 7.0 IIRC. Not that hard to spot.

If all set up correctly so far just run that file and it will emulate netbios over ipx.

Oh and pray that you got enough memory for all athat drivers...