Need help...please...


I'm looking for a patch for my Microsoft Sidewinder Pro Force Feedback and the game Freespace:The Great War . If anyone knows where one is or has one they don't want I'd appreciate it. Thanks

Ultimately its other people's reactions that make us who we are.
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You can get FreeSpace online somwhere, but IMO the game was bad. The flight was prety good, you have much better control of your wingman than you do in WC, but it doesen't have any story.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
yes it does. It's like a mix of WC3 and prophecy.
And Freespace 2's story is a mix of WC4 and prophecy/SO.

The time is near.
There are 339 days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
I sure didn't see any in there. It has like 10 cutscenes, half of them about some stupid "ancients" crap, there is no character development, actualy there are no characters in the game. I'm schocked that you even compared that thing to WC. And the graphics are ugly.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Earthworm: I know what you mean. I'm just playing the game for the experience and so that if a topic comes up about it I'll know what I'm talking about.
Kris: Thanks man. I looked around and found something but I'm not too sure if it what I'm looking for.Thanks again.

Ultimately its other people's reactions that make us who we are.
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Right, now, we don't want to start comparing those two
Just a quick reminder. Exercise caution while discussing such topics.

With that out of the way, I'd like to say that FreeSpace _did_ have a story. It was quite a nice story, too. The neat thing about it was exactly what Earthworm is complaining about - that it didn't focus on any character. It was simply the story of The Great War. In that aspect, it succeeded.

Regarding the graphics: The explosions were a thing of beauty. In fact, Cap Ships were just darned incredible (mostly when they were exploding
). The ship designs were different, and full of character. In fact, the graphics in general were great. Note that I'm not saying that they were worse/better than WCP. I'm sure none of us want to get into that argument (since I'd then have to close the thread
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Quarto did you play that thing on the medium graphic seting? I did, cause if I didn't it run slow as hell. And at that setting the thing is ugly! Fighters that are at a certain distance from you are replaced by 5 sided polygons! And the character development is what I like in games, I like to identify myself with the main character, and like to think of the people in the games somewhat as friends.(yes I'm pethetic, I know)

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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You're not alone Earthworm. I also like games with character developement the most. And I also think of the gamecharcters as my friends. That was what I missed the most in the Freespace games.
I would tell how the Freespace games' story is similar to that of WC games but that would probably spoil the game for others.

The time is near.
There are 338 days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Earthworm: It worked fine on the high setting for me. If you haven't seen the game at the setting that it was intended for, how can you say its graphics are bad? That's like playing WCP on a black&white screen and then complaining that it sucks, because there's no colour.

I also like character development, but I don't necessarily insist on it. I felt that FreeSpace's approach was original to say the least.

No Regret: I would tell how much the trench run on Kilrah reminded me of the trench run on the Death Star, but that would probably spoil the game for others
(Note, DO NOT take up that argument. I'm just pointing out the fallacy in your logic. I certainly do not want to compare the two.
As for FreeSpace's storyline, the only similarity between it and WC was that they were both space sims.

Right, now we're getting dangerously close to the point where some idiot could walk in and turn this into an FS vs. WC thread. For this reason, I'm going to drop the argument. Please, go ahead and reply to what I said, since I'd like to see what you think. But after that, we'd better just let it drop
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FREESPACE SUX!!! (just joking actually freespace isn't that bad...)

Quarto: Many Sci-Fi and other types of games/movies have a scene quite similar to the trench/kilrah run... It's even more common than just the two.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Quarto, I can play Prophecy just fine, with no slowdowns. Freespace has different settings so people with slowdowns can lower the detail and play the game at an OK speed. I actualy played it on very high or whatever, it didn't look any better than Prohecy, and it was unplayable. So my question is, why a game that doesen't look better than Prophecy has higher requirements? I bought the game, met all minimum requirements, and I expected the game to run at a decent speed with some nice graphics, not something that looks like crap.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
When I first played WCP, it was using a Direct3D card, an a P166. That means it should have ran quite well. But it ground to a halt during some of the bigger missions. And I won't even mention how it ran in SO.
The moral: don't play games on computers that only meet the minimum requirements.
Try FreeSpace on a "modern" computer. It's worth it, just to see the cap ships explode in all their glory. And don't tell me that the cap ship explosions look better in WCP
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Hehe. I pushed the envelope. Played WCP on a 90MHz Pentium with no 3D support.

And it was playable, though on missions with lots of ships on screen it suffered of 'jerk-o-vision'.

But one thing I liked in FS graphics were the light coronas and wavy textures from jump gates or fighter engines exhaust.

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings

[This message has been edited by klaus (edited January 27, 2000).]
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Must have been 32MBytes,or 16MBytes. Didn't have 64Mbytes at that time.

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
Quarto, if you want to you can send me about $3,000 so I can get that new machine.
I'll be hapy to take it of your hands. And the only minimum requirement I barley meat is the amount of RAM (unfortunatly that happens to be one of the most important things
) all other things I have are beyond the recomended requirements.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Earthworm: But, like you said, RAM is important.
As for a computer - well, naturally I'm not about to send you money
. But it most definitely wouldna cost ye $3000. Hell, I bet you could get a proper computer at around $1000, or less if you already have a screen (which I guess you do
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