My iso cd image cannot be read.Help,pls


Hello to everybody on this site.

I found one nice image game, iso extension, but when i loaded into Nero Image drive it's telling me : " Windows cannot read from this disk.This disk might be corrupted or it could be using a format that it's not compatible with windows"

I remember that i have the same problem with another image.

I have Nero 6 Ultra Edition and i use Nero ImageDrive for mounting image files.

also, if i burn the file into a blank cd, i get the same message error.

Anyone can help me?

Thx a lot.
Ah, it's you again :)
Anyway, I guess it could be really corrupted. :( - Too bad, but I guess you have to download/get the iso again. My guess is either the copy/download procedure went wrong or the Image was already bad when it was made. - Hmm. Have you tried ISO-Buster yet? Don't know, but maybe that works or at least you get to know if it's really corrupted.
hello again, THE_WUQKED
i tried also alcohol 120, but i get the same error.
i think it's a broken iso file
if i manage to make it work, i will tell u
maybe if you make a .bin file it will work. It's just a small text file that tells the virtual drive what kind of image is it using. If you google it, you will find how to make one. it's easy.
Duh, it's a .cue file, not a .bin. The .bin file is the one that needs the .cue file to be made.... Then I guess you're out of luck.
Since you couldn't possibly be pirating materials (since that is out of the question), I would suggest that you take your original disc, put it in the drive, and make a new iso from that. Since the WC series was so old, there is no real copy-protection on the discs. Nothing like SecuRom and those type of securities. So, with your original disc in the drive, use something like CDRWin or DiscJuggler and make a new image. Since you have Nero, you can even make an NRG file which is similar to an ISO except that it is a Nero format, but I'm sure you already knew that....

Well, there are also real freeware games out there being downloadable as iso files (no Wing Commander, but maybe some fan-made stuff burned on a CD and uploaded as freeware or so. Yes, I mean this serious ;) ) - So he could have still been downloading it, but legal. I mention that, cause then he can't redo the image with nero.