Most desired Non-Playable fighter?


Rear Admiral
Which fighter would you most like to fly from the WC games that isn't a playable craft? (e.g. Razor, Paktahn, Salthi, Devil Ray, etc.)

Personally, I would love to try the WC2 Strakha, the WC3 bloodfang, or a WCP Manta!
Spertallica said:
Which fighter would you most like to fly from the WC games that isn't a playable craft? (e.g. Razor, Paktahn, Salthi, Devil Ray, etc.)

Personally, I would love to try the WC2 Strakha, the WC3 bloodfang, or a WCP Manta!
Any Cap-Ship
Probably the Sorthak or K'ha'haf Asteroid Fighter, both featured in WC3.

The Sorthak's "intel sighting" in the Victory Streak really instilled a sense of foreboding and yet in my first WC3 encounter, I don't seem to recall its gameplay performance being commensurate with the initial expectation of it being a mega-badass fighter, although it could still take a hell of a beating.

Within the continuity, I would wonder how effective such a design would have been in the conventional theatre had it not appeared in the final days of the war? The Sorthak appears to uncomfortably straddle the divide between heavy fighter and light capship (i.e. corvette or similar picket function craft) by being too cumbersome for dogfights and too weak for slugfests. It would no doubt serve as another psychological tool in the Kilrathi arsenal, but unless only deployed together with the cover of smaller and more nimble light and medium fighters, it would seem overexposed.
Before they put it in Standoff, it would have been the talon. I killed thousands of these in privateer and always thought I could fly it better (Emphasis on thought).
You can access the bug (and Kilrathi) ships available in Prophecy in the sim, by typing in "alswantsmoreships" at the sim selection screen, then hitting "Z" (like the screen prompts).

However, that doesn't work outside the simulator, at least not without a third-party program to switch ships, available from the CIC's files section.
BrynS said:
Within the continuity, I would wonder how effective such a design would have been in the conventional theatre had it not appeared in the final days of the war? The Sorthak appears to uncomfortably straddle the divide between heavy fighter and light capship (i.e. corvette or similar picket function craft) by being too cumbersome for dogfights and too weak for slugfests. It would no doubt serve as another psychological tool in the Kilrathi arsenal, but unless only deployed together with the cover of smaller and more nimble light and medium fighters, it would seem overexposed.

It might be good as a bomber platform--it has comparable shields and armor to the Paktahn and six independantly targetable Meson turrets, yet is nearly as fast and nimble as the Vaktoth, while being only slightly larger than the Paktahn.
Mine was probably the Demon Bounty Hunter Ship from Privateer. That ship was a beauty to behold and mounted a powerful array of weaponry.
Well two lasers/two mesons is more powerful than any of the other fighters in its speed class (Salthi, Stiletto), and is about on a par with the Talon's two massdriver/one particle loadout. In the Steltek Gun campaign, only the Broadsword, Gothri, and Centurion outgun it, and all of them are slower than the Demon.
Bandit LOAF said:
Two Lasers and two Meson Blasters?

More than adequate for its class, however I was assuming that the Demon, like the playable ships, would have been able to be equipped with a different gun load out had it been in fact playable.
Come on guys wheres your really wild side. How about the "mips" from wc4. No guns no armor, cramped barly any controls. Good old pliers for digging out that hardware!
It would be interesting to fly the Pre-Prototype of the Bloodfang in a Wc1 setting, the one shown only in the Wc2 Demo.


  • wc1bloodfang.jpg
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It's hard to call either of them a prototype, though - they may just be the ordinary production 2650 and 2660 Bloodfangs (there's no reason, IIRC, to believe that isn't so).