More Threads, Please!

You get free time at your job?

And a computer??

Funny, they don't have those things over at the store I'm bagging at- I'm going to go complain :p
Any reason we more threads this week in particular?

Mostly, we (and I mean all of us CZers) have been in a rut as far as the type, quality, and quantity of posts we've been making. This is just a much needed shot in the arm and kick in the pants.
not to mention space points are awesome.. they are like umm... forum catnip!

they burn underwater!

They can slice and dice in 16 different ways!

They are the the alpha and the omicron persei seven!

They can count backwards from Z to 15!

mmm.. space points.
A space point is exactly that. It's a token make from Real Space(tm), containing Real Space matter!*

Alas, since their container is somewhat fragile, they're best kept in a hard-vacuum environment.

* - i.e., vacuum, save for the standard average of 1 hydrogen molecule per cubic centimetre, and the standard quantum-mechanical "stuff" that inhabits vacuums.