Longbow conversion to XWA


Hope anyone will see it here ;-)
I´ve made the Longbow from WCIII & WCIV for XWA !!

Do anyone mean too that the textures looks how to a comic clip ??

Steele Aerospace - I have a good feeling about this page :-)
WOW! Great stuff! Like TC I think it looks even better than in the game.

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
WOW!This is looking just great!As you said,much better than in the games!And it doesn`t look like in a comic at all!
Would be good stuff for a poster!
I would be glad to have such a beautiful picture hanging in my room!
Great work!
Any chance you could do a model like this for Prophecy?

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
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Yeah the PPL at Datamasters told him that it looked like a comic, and that upset our local saint steele

You Know I do GCSE Cooking, I get A's B's and nothing bellow c's I make Christmas Cake, Shortbread pastry and other Assorted and hard to make delacacys and what do I come home and cook myself?
Microwave Hot dogs!
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LOAF, I thought it was supposed to be 4 lines or less...


(See... some people read it

CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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