LMG Captures Newsgroup

Wow, it's a shame you can't figure out a more intelligent way to lose interest.

Steam: The Guild has no specific purpose

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
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Mes, that site really doesn't tell anything about LMG
But I suggest that everyone read about V-Cola... It's a part of our heritige


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Dammit LOAF can't you just let me lose interest the way I want to lose interest?

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara