Last call for WCA DVD sets


Rear Admiral
Hi, all. I just wanted to let everyone know that, on June 1, I will be deleting the DVD-encoded Wing Commander Academy episodes off my computer, and cease making the DVD sets that I have been selling.

My reason? Simple: it's killing my hard drive! Each DVD, store on my computer, take up about 4 Gigs... and I have 8 DVD's stored.

Pricing is still the same: between $10 and $15 for a set, depending on the extras you want included. If anyone is interested in ordering a set, please e-maill me at or send me a private message.

Thanks to everyone for their support these past few weeks. It's been a lot of fun (and *very* educational) working on these sets, and I owe a special thanks to everyone who ordered a set. It's times like these when I'm glad to be a Wing Commander fan!

*smiles, goes back to work :D *
I suppose that if needed, I can take this over. That is if you don't mind Commissar because I would have to use the set that you gave me as a source. I have a 500GB RAID setup at home so storage is not a problem. I would just be concerned about the quantity ordered since I only have one DVDR drive and it is only 2x. If I get flooded with orders, I don't know how quickly I can turn them out. I just don't want to see the opportunity to obtain the sets diminished over something like hard drive space :)

Sounds good to me!

Good deal, NoMention. After June 1, I give you the right to offer the sets to anyone that may want them. You're right: this shouldn't go to waste just because of HD space.


My faith in humanity is restored!!
Prices should remain about the same. $10 for the discs and sleeves. I also have both single and dual DVD cases. If someone is willing to whip up a cover, I can start doing those too. Cases would bring the price up to $15 because of the added weight and cost. I'm glad that I can help out. I will take PayPal payments (no credit card please) or money orders. Please Private Message me if you are interested. It is a wonderful series with classic character voices!!

Be worth it if these didnt have the tv station logo plastered on the lower right corner. Good luck with the project!
I agree LOAF. I don't see how a tiny logo in the bottom corner of the screen takes away from the show at all. I would rather have the logo and the show than no show at all. :)
I mean, sure, I'd love to have it without the logo... but it's not going to happen. It's amazing that people had the foresight to record the show on high quality tapes in 1996 so that it'd be available for digital copying eight years later. Compare the WCAs I encoded to the Savage Dragon we posted (which I got by buying a SD fans collection of off-air dubs)... the video quality on WCA is ten times as high, because we made a conscious effort to preserve the show.
Did you go about taping WCATV in an unusual fashion? I just use to slap in a VHS tape and press that red button...

Loaf: Any news about the possible special edition mentioned some time ago?
Commissar said:
Pricing is still the same: between $10 and $15 for a set, depending on the extras you want included. If anyone is interested in ordering a set, please e-maill me at or send me a private message.

How would you feel if we do a front page update on your service? You might get a whole bunch of replies..

Front page treatment? That would be great!!


Honestly, you guys have do so much for me just for letting me post in the forums. Front page news, though... I'd be honored. And I mean that.

Yes, the DVD's all have menus, animated with scenes from the episodes and with music in the background from the first Wing Commander game. As far as screenshots go... let me see what I can come up with ;)
There is a way to remove it, but I seriously doubt any of you would have a broadcast time base corrector which you could completely remove the vertical pulse from the video, and re-insert new vertical timing pulses without the VBE signal, which is embedded in the vertical pulse, line 23.

No biggie, I already removed the logo on my copies. :p
Commissar said:
Yes, the DVD's all have menus, animated with scenes from the episodes and with music in the background from the first Wing Commander game. As far as screenshots go... let me see what I can come up with ;)

Yeah - if you could get some screengrabs of the menus or even some 10 second video clips, you could sway people a lot easier. I know I'd be a lot more interested if I saw it in action.
RFBurns said:
There is a way to remove it, but I seriously doubt any of you would have a broadcast time base corrector which you could completely remove the vertical pulse from the video, and re-insert new vertical timing pulses without the VBE signal, which is embedded in the vertical pulse, line 23.

No biggie, I already removed the logo on my copies. :p

What a load of crap. I'll give you a mop to clean it up.
he got banned for spewing technobabble? or did he annoy people on other threads? *shudder*...
I find it funny how people are willing to complain about something that is offered to them when it is not available anywhere else. It isn't like Commissar nor I will be making substantial money for any of this. I give a big congrats to Commissar for even offering this in the first place. Not have cable or satellite, I didn't even know a show was produced. And for a measly $10, I got the whole series. Since Commissar said he wasn't going to do it and nobody else appeared to be picking up his role, I offered. The only thing I fear is that these sets might start appearing on Ebay. I noticed things like the entire GI Joe, He-Man, Dungeons & Dragons, X-Men, Thundercats and many others that are such obvious copies/bootlegs going for $80,$90 and even $100+ for DVD-R copies that the seller can churn out. I just saw 15 Gi Joe DVDs going for $120. 15 DVDs. So what that means is that the seller spent about $10 (you can get Ritek DVD-R for about 80 cents each) for the discs, maybe $5 more for the covers and cases. So for about $15-$20 he ends up making $90-$100 in profit. Goes to show how immoral people really are... I suppose we should all just jump on the bandwagon and buy his set and then mass produce it and flood ebay with tons of them reducing the cost down to where it should be.

Sorry for my long rant. I am just amazed how people are alright with doing this type of behavior...
