Well... WCP was my first WC game ever, so I think I would have a different point of view here...
I liked how Casey felt as THE new guy in the Midway, because I was feeling just like that in WC... I mean, everything there was new for me, Hawk's hate for the cats, Blair's hero story... I didn't know much at the time
That 1st movie as you come onboard the Midway and the Stiletto/Maniac parts, made ME feel like Casey...
In a way, it just made it easier for me to "become" Lance... It was way different to see myself as Maverick latter
The Midway and Casey for me just felt right... For anyone with Blair's records to see Petrarca as the new hero felt wrong, but not for a newcomer...
After I saw Blair I could tell the difference, but I had already seen the world as the "plebe" in the Midway, so it was a different experience I think