KS joystick probs

Death's Head

Hey guys are you familar with joystick problems in KS?
When I switch to Joystick mode I can use the button fuctions but I can't change direction.
Can you offer any insight?
Using a Wingman Digital Extreme
did you try calibrating it? i never had any probs with joystick in WC (except that my joystick is slightly screwed..it sends alot of 'noise' so it is hard to choose what you want to say in WCIII..in WCIV it works fine though...and WCI...hmmm...)

"When my life's on the line, I want a wingman I can trust" Blair to Hobbes
I don't think it works becuase I've tried it since I got KS which was like in 97 or 98.

I will try it tonight when I get home and let you know.
The buttons work? That's odd.... How is it listed on the Game Controllers thing? Are there other things listed there, as well?
What version of Direct X (If I recall the latest version is kind of buggy..)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
What is the latest version?

I think I am running 6.0 or something like that at least that's what I remember reading.

When versions overwrite each other does that cause problems at all?

Well it isn't just speech that gets warped it's the music and sometimes the sound.

And no the joystick still doesn't work in KS but it works in WC4 I think, and I know it works in WCP.
Have you tried using the version of Direct X on the CD (I think version 3) There have been a few cases where this fixed things... (I'm grasping at straws here...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I've always had the problem, even when I first got KS. Although I do recall the joystick actuall working at some point.
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Well, try it; see if it works. If I recall correctly, gamepads just send the same type of signals to the game port as joysticks do, so if the gamepad works, then you know the joystick is the problem.