Kilrathi saga streams


let me say first that i have the original games but are unplayble as moslo isnt doing a good job at slowing them and joystick hangs up.

now i downloaded a kilrathi saga cd rip which contains
wc1&2 but they have no music (somthing to do with streams) so if anyone can help me in this it would be really neato

yes thats right neato!
1) those who do have KS mock those of us who dont and so wont lend it to us
2) no matter the urgency its still illegal (but i did the same)
3) the WC1 stuff is on that PCG from the US in july as for WC2 its a no-go unless someone lends you it

In the meanwhile dont do it (or at least not obviously) and besides no-one here is likely to help you
A hacked CD game, crippled in such a way that it can work without the CDs (and of course, without cutscenes, streamed music, and any other large files). The purpose of this is to reduce the game in size to something which can be placed at a "warez" site and downloaded.
The 'streams' are KS' digital music -- several hundred megs of which would be removed from a 'ripped' version of KSaga... get the real thing.

Abandonware. Abandonware is just a fake term thought up by l33t hax0rs to try and justify what they do. Besides, if you want it so badly, fork over the 200$ on Ebay like the rest of us...

Know what makes me sick? Back in '97 I bought KS and in my foolish childhood I lost some of the cd's and I only have 1-2 of em left. I still have the box, though. How much would the box go for on Ebay? :)
So I was downtown and I saw this car from 1995! They don't sell those any more, so I could have legally stolen it, right?

I have an extra KS box, and I'm considering selling it on eBay, just to see what happens...

It's possible that you might be able to get new CDs. Contact to ask about getting replacement CDs for your Kilrathi Saga. Further, if you can provide proof that you really own KS, there's nothing wrong with getting a copy of the missing CDs burnged from someone.
No, see, there's *NO SUCH THING* as abandonware. It's a term created by people who wanted to make the fact that they were stealing computer games sound noble.
And even if there was such a thing as abandonware, Elite certainly isn't abandonware - it's freeware :).
As i said earlier i already have the origials there just not working to well with moslo.
so why should i buy kilrathi saga if i have the games already.
the kilrathi saga cd rip wc1&2 work well becuase there slowed down but have no music ,so if anyone know
of a way to make the original midi music work with kilrathi saga please post.
First up, the originals are not the same as the Kilrathi Saga. They are entirely separate products. Origin didn't have to make Win9x versions of WC1 and 2, and they did. Instead of spending those countless hours poring over messy Assembly code to convert them to Win9x, the programmers could very well have been working on WCP, for example doing that multiplayer part which later got canned due to lack of time. The graphic designers didn't have to spend those countless hours on a new box design, a revamped manual, and an unbelieveably neat calendar. They could have been working on some other product.
But they didn't. They spent their time - for which Origin pays them - working on making a Win9x version of WC1, 2 and 3. If you think that having the original games somehow entitles you to get the KSaga for free, then there's something wrong with you.

Secondly, you are in violation of Confed Edict... er, that is, CIC ChatZone Rule 11.
Well, I've never played any WC game with a joystick for longer than five, ten minutes. So I don't know. But maybe Stinger can help with that.