Kilrathi Ace fighters (WC3)


Mpanty's bane
Some time ago, the CIC showed some of the WC3 special Kilrathi Ace fighters that didn't make it into the PC version.
I wonder if we know anything about their special payload?

As far as I recall, Fireclaw's Darket had 2 Plasma guns , Stalker's Strakha had 2 Neutron guns (and 2 other guns I don't remember) and Bloddmist's Pakthan had 4 Plasma guns and 2 Laser cannons (I think the tail turret still had Mass Drivers). I think Psych confirmed those guns to me some years ago but I seem to have lost that mail.

Do we know anything of Deathstrokes' Dralthi IV or Deathfang's Vaktoth?
I'm not entirely sure I'd trust Psych's take on the specifications -- I seem to recall it turning out that he'd made most of them up...

That said, I don't think anyone has properly extracted the ace stats yet... Quarto was working on figuring out the WC3 files a while ago, but I think the discussion lost steam.
Hmm, maybe. It's just that about three or fours years ago, I told Psych about the special weapon loadouts and how I remembered them (see post above). He then asked if I could play the game again and take screenshots of the ace fighters to confirm that. I couldn't, so he mailed me some days later that another person played it (forgot his name) and confirmed the specifications I remembered (he also told me about the second gun set of Stalker's Strakha, but I forgot them again), so I thought it was true.

Anyway, maybe a bit more steam has been out into the discussion again? ;)
It certainly would be nice to know.