Kickin'! They used our ideas!!!

Actually, in the hands of a good pilot, the Piranha is all but impossible to hit. When it isn't hit, the low shielding and armor don't mean as much. In that thing, you get behind the target, and stay there, picking away at it's defensive shieldsing, armor, and eventually through the hull itself.

Excuse me while I defrag my mind.
Penguin: Yeah, WCP's full of bugs
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If Blair comes back, he'll get in the way of me getting close to Rachel!
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Whoa, you resurrected a nine-month old topic to say that?

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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Rachel!? Aieee! My eyes! I'm blind. Actually, she's just gross. I'm surprised she didn't jump on Blair rip his clothes off and uh... ooo, never mind.
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What`s wrong with Rachell? If you have problems with Ginger Lynn, now that`s a whole other story... or topic, for that matter.
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Death said:
IMO, about the only fighter where the SF2 is my primary gun choice is the Piranha, as it's main armament sucks. (2 lasers and an ion? What were they thinking?! Even an Arrow, using tech over a decade older, can beat that.)


You're coming awfully close to my favourite subject..... ~laughs~


And if we're talking about bullet-type weapons, WHY hasn't anyone mentioned the Dust Cannon? On the Black Wasp, it has the BEST refire rate if you play with the power a bit, and you only need half-energy to take down a Devil Ray (assuming you _can_ hit the broad side of a barn)...

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
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It's not the ammo you have to worry about with the Dust Buster, it's your aim.

The reason Dusters are impractical for Arrows and Piranhas is that with such thin defenses, it isn't easy to keep a bead on one ship long enough to make up for a small gun capacitor.
Now if you put a piar on a modernized Scimitar...Quarto starts a grinning.
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heh... Scimitars.. I've dubbed them the "penalty ship" of WC1. I hate them with a passion that shall never die.
Give me a Rapier or a Panther any day.


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If you're good with the Arrow, you don't need to worry about defences... You need to worry about hitting your target. You're fast enough to outrun most missiles, and if you're locked on to, well... BURN'N'TURN.

The Arrow's fast enough for you to get behind your old ass-blaster, and pick him apart.

And with a Dust Cannon or two...

{Maniac Mode}"Whoa! Did you see that?"{/Maniac Mode}

{Maniac Mode}"Chalk up another for the Maniac!"{/Maniac Mode}

{Zero Mode}"Another one bites the dust"{/Zero Mode}

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
*L* but seriously, my favorite ship that I've flown has to be the Morningstar. It's not flashy or too fast, but it handles well enough, and it's got the power where it needs it. It's all a matter of changing my flying style so I don't keep ramming into the cats whenever I'm fighting.
Scimitars can kiss my hairy lavander arse.


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Aww, you just have no appreciation of a classic design.
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I happen to love the classics! It's just that I need speed, handling and distance, none of which the Scimitar in WC1 has.

It goes 350 kps
Mass Drivers don't travel very far at all
Thick armor and shields don't do much if you turn like a pig stuck in a toilet.

It's odd how I whine about that stuff about handling and speed, when I like flying the Devastator and Shrike bombers in WCP. I guess because they're more well armored, and can handle distances in their guns. :p


Actually, its max speed is 360, its manoeuvrability is only slightly worse than the Shrike's (in fact, the Scim has a better yaw rate than the Shrike), and Mass Drivers are amongst the best guns of the WC Universe.