-k -b?

I am curious what does the cmd line for -k -b meaning for WC1?
They are for enabling different options for the debug mode. That said... I don't remember what the B does anymore exactly. Still, the information seems strewn about a bit but I'll try and collect some of it here in one place

Starting the game with "WC Origin" starts the debug mode

Cheat CodeResult
[Alt] + [Keypad Plus]Increase frame duration
[Alt] + [Keypad Minus]Decrease frame duration
OToggle eject siren
IDisplay current intelligence factor
[Alt] + ODestroy cockpit sections
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + SInverse graphics
[Alt] + [Delete]Destroy targeted ship
[Alt] + MShow memory use
[Alt] + ZSelf-destruct

Wing Commander 2 works more or less the same way but [Alt]-[Insert] destroys ALL non-capital enemy ships on radar

"WC Origin s m w " is a level selector.
"Start the game with the ” WC Origin s [series number] m [mission letter] w [animation sequence number]”

s# - Select specific series (e.g. s8)
m* - Select specific mission (e.g. md)
w# - Preview cinematic sequence (e.g. w3), scene numbers range

Add an l to the command line to play a single mission without answering a copy-protection question."

"WC Origin -k" Invincibility

AMIGA version - Copy/pasted from another site so I can't tell you if these are correct:

Cheat mode:
Open a CLI window and use the CD command to change to the directory that contains the game (or DF0: if on disk). Start the game with one of the following case-sensitive command lines to activate the corresponding cheat function.

EffectCommand line
Hold [Shift] and press [F5] to destroy target.Wing h0 Origin&tonic
System selectWing s <1-13>
Mission selectWing m <0-2>
InvincibleWing h0 Origin&tonic -k

System numbers:
Use one of the following values for the "System Select" code.

Port Hedland8
Hubble's Star11
Hell's Kitchen13

EDIT - Here's the text from the WC1+2 strategy guide on the cheat codes... Mostly just reitterates some of this here but adds some WC2 details and examples: https://www.wcnews.com/news/update/11143

The shortcuts are entered on the command line, after the command that starts the game. The following command options are available:
Origin -- allows you to destroy any targeted enemy with the <ALT> <DEL> key combination. You must be careful when using the key combination, since you can destroy friendly ships as well as enemies. In addition, if you press the keys without targeting another ship, your own is destroyed

Example: In Wing Commander I, at the C:\Wing> prompt type: wc<space>Origin
In Wing Commander II, at the C:\Wing2> prompt type: wc2<space>Origin

NOTE: You must include this command. Other options are not enabled unless you include it. The command must be entered exactly as above, with a space between the game command and Origin. Origin must be typed with an upper case "O" and lower case "rigin."

s1 m1 -- allows you to access a specific mission. The number following s indicates the series The number following m indicates the mission number in the series. You can determine your series number based on the mission trees. In Wing Commander I and both Secret Missions, the series and missions are represented by a number. In Wing Commander II, the series is represented by a number, but the mission is represented by a letter (a, b, c, d). In Wing Commander II, ll of the series except the seventh contain four missions. Series seven has only three missions. In Wing Commander I, series one contains only two missions. Series 12 and 13 contain four missions each. All other series have three missions in each. In The Secret Missions, series four and five include three missions in each. All other series have two missions. In Secret Missions II, each series contains two missions.

Example (to access series 2 mission 2):
In Wing Commander I, at the C:\Wing> prompt, type: wc<space>Origin<space>s2<space>m2
In The Secret Missions, at the C:\Wing> prompt, type: wc<space>Origin<space>s2<space>m2<space>z1
In The Secret Missions II, at the C:\Wing> prompt, type: sm2<space>Origin<space>s2<space>m2
In Wing Commander II, at the C:\Wing2> prompt, type: wc2<space>Origin<space>s2<space>mb

Note: z1 is used at the end of the line to distinguish the first Secret Missions from Wing Commander I.

l (lowercase L) -- allows you to proceed directly to the launch sequence for the selected mission. ust type in <space> following your series and mission commands.

NOTE: After completing a mission you have accessed using this command option, the program automatically returns you to the DOS prompt. You cannot continue the game.

-k (dash and lowercase K) -- makes you invulnerable to damage from guns, missiles, asteroids or mines. Just type in <space>-k following any of the above portions.

Example: If you wanted to employ all the above options, and access the fourth mission in the third series in Wing Commander II, at the C:\Wing2> prompt, you would type: wc2 Origin s3 md l -k

: All of the above options are case sensitive. Everything in the command line, except the "O" in Origin, must be typed in lower case.
They are for enabling different options for the debug mode. That said... I don't remember what the B does anymore exactly. Still, the information seems strewn about a bit but I'll try and collect some of it here in one place
I read his question to mean why -k and -b were chosen, not what they did. -k is invulnerability, so in my head as a kid I read it as "minus kill," which is probably wrong, since the dash is a switch, but I can't recall another meaning off the top of my head. The -k -b modifier is what you plug in to get it to work in Kilrathi Saga. Again, no idea what the -b does, some kind of -bypass? or -batch? process that circumvents the normal unique way that Kilrathi Saga handles invulnerability?
My memory (from the Super Wing Commander debug menu!) is that it's k for killable (ie, the player can be killed) and b for bangable (finger of death on).