Joystick Rudder in Privateer 2 via DosBox v 0.73?

Robert Kant

Hello again,

Does anyone know if, and how, to get the 4th axis (twisting the stick to use the 'rudder') of a joystick to work in Privateer 2? I'm running DosBox 0.73. I've installed the patch needed for the FCS and CH Flt. Stick Pro. I have DosBox emulating the CH. My throttle slider does work. I've gotten used to being able to rotate my fighter while turning, and with the first couple of cheep ships, it helps a lot, since the lasers are out on the wings.


Robert Kant.
Have you tried the different joystick configs that are part of the game? JOYSTICK.TXT in the joystick folder on disc one has instructions.