Joystick Problem in Priv2 in winXP

das mookid

I recently installed privateer 2 in windows XP using the excellent originalTHP patch linked on the CIC main site. Amazingly, everything works perfectly except for the joystick.

I am using a USB Logitech Wingman Force 3D. When I try to callibrate the joystick, the pointer really sticks to the bottom left corner of the calibration square (if I press the joystick to the very upper left corner (opposite) I can barely center the indicator). Naturally when I try to fly with it like this, whenever I shift from the deadzone I can do nothing but steer down and to the left. It's frustrating because the game is communicating with the joystick but this strong drift seems unfixable.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Do you have a USB mouse or keyboard that might be interfering? Is the joystick detected properly in the DOSBox main window when you launch the program?
I'm not using Dosbox. I am using the windows patch listed on the CIC main site.

Yes, the mouse I am using is also USB - that's a good point. I will try it with an adapter to plug it into the old school mouse connector (forget what they're called) and see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ahh.. yeah.. there's a good chance that there's some problem with the USB nature of the joystick and upgrading the DOS version. If you have a very fast computer you could try the DOS version in DOSBox, but yeah, if you're using patched Windows, then there's bound to be some issues like that. If you have a gameport joystick available, it might be worthwhile to see if that's properly detected.
No luck. Tried plugging in the mouse non-usb and it still did the same thing. Unfortunately my new computer does not have the old school joystick connection on it (and so I :sob: got rid of my old joystick too). Also had a go in dosbox, which detected the joystick but claims I don't have enough hard drive space to install P2 (?!). . .

In the end it doesn't matter much; I've been playing with the mouse and have actually started to take a liking to it. Although my dogfighting skills are a little worse for it, my accuracy has improved (I don't think I've heard so many "Great shot Lev"s in a row!).

Thanks for the suggestions regardless!
Yeah, there's some tricks in other threads to get around the installation in DOSBox, but P2 actually has the best mouth control in the series.
das mookid said:
Also had a go in dosbox, which detected the joystick but claims I don't have enough hard drive space to install P2 (?!). . .

Well at least that one is a problem we know how to fix. Just create the directory you want to install P2 to before running the installer and that bug should be gone.
Nappydman said:
You might also try messing with the x and y axis values directly in the dark.cfg file.

yeh i have the same prob with my joystick - basically its too bottom ish - so when i so its near the bottom edge of the deadzone (which i have to increase to even get the dot in there), this means that pulling up is very fast and pitching my nose down is very slow, and in fact it goes up for a second before it even starts going down :(

what way shud i edit the dark.cfg to attempt to alleviate this problem?

any help is much appreciated

Well, open up your dark.cfg file. It should be in the directory you installed Priv2 in. If I remember correctly, the values for each axis go from -65.000 or so to +65,000 or so. If one value seems off base compared to the other on the same axis, edit it to be closer. Now, those values could be entirely wrong since I'm going off of memory, so let me double check and get back here tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe this will help.
Nappydman said:
Well, open up your dark.cfg file. It should be in the directory you installed Priv2 in. If I remember correctly, the values for each axis go from -65.000 or so to +65,000 or so. If one value seems off base compared to the other on the same axis, edit it to be closer. Now, those values could be entirely wrong since I'm going off of memory, so let me double check and get back here tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe this will help.

i did have a go, but it seems the dark.cfg is changed everytime i calibrate - and i do have to calibrate, cos everytime i start the joy is going all over the place (even thou its fine in other things) - LOAF (i think) in chat said that it doesnt like digital joysticks (i have a Saitek Cyborg 3D USB) - ive reached a somewhat satisfactory compromise untill i try and buy an analogue joy eheh - ive got ana adapter for my PS2 controller and in analogue mode that works perfectly :o