ITTS bug?



first of all thanks all for this excelent game!

Now for my question: how is ITTS supposed to work? I have a radar which supports it, but it works almost never. Does it depend on the gun used? I do lock on the target.

- Andete
Admiral DeRuyter said:
Works fine for me...unless you are using afterburners while you shoot.

Even when I don't use afterburners it almost never works, like .e.g. 1 minute every 20 minutes or less.

I'll try and investigate to see what other feature(s) it is incompatible with.
ITTS only gives you a leading reticle you have to aim to manually. If you want the guns to automatically do leading correction, you need to upgrade the gun mounts to AUTOTRACKING. This upgrade is available at Perry, and costs 90,000 credits per mount point.
dan_w said:
ITTS only gives you a leading reticle you have to aim to manually. If you want the guns to automatically do leading correction, you need to upgrade the gun mounts to AUTOTRACKING. This upgrade is available at Perry, and costs 90,000 credits per mount point.

And it is this leading reticle that I hardly ever get. A well, I saved up enough cash for autotracking soon :)
Try getting in closer... it only shows up as a little dot until you're within 1KM or so, then it gets real big real fast.

How does autotracking work, anyway? Does it aim for the ITTS, or where the ship is right then, or do the shots actually curve to follow your target?
With autotracking, the guns aim for the ITTS reticle on your behalf. But the correction angle is limited, so you still have to try and aim for the reticle yourself. The shots don't curve, but by aiming for the reticle, they have a greater chance of arriving at a spot at the same time as the boggie passes through that point. But ITTS is useless on a boggie that comes at you drawing circles with its nose, notoriously the way kilrathi ships fly. With autotracking on, your shots spread out all over the place, so it's best to turn autotracking off untill the ship starts flying straight.
It aims for the ITTS.

It works almost like lead computing optical sights (gun sights on fighter aircraft) work. A LCOS computer says "your target is flying in this direction at this speed. Based on this information and the current speed, direction, and acceleration of your own aircraft, your bullets will go HERE." In a fighter aircraft is is the pilot's job to make "HERE" be on top of the plane he is trying to shoot. Autotracking in Privateer Remake takes this one step further and aims the guns for you. If it aimed where the ship was, the shots would not hit unless the ship was heading directly towards or away from you. The shots cannot curve to follow the target, as they are just collections of energy and/or mass that have no guidance.
Yeah, I ask because I've played a game or two where autotracking aimed for the current location of the ship, and the one time I installed an autotracking gun in the Remake I got something that actually curved in space, apparently to track the target (never got a chance to use it in combat though, I died and decided to use the $ on something else when loading the savegame).
Chernikov said:
the one time I installed an autotracking gun in the Remake I got something that actually curved in space, apparently to track the target (never got a chance to use it in combat though, I died and decided to use the $ on something else when loading the savegame).
I'm guessing that's just how it looks. Your guns shoot in a straight line, no expections.

If your shots curved, you would never miss. Autotracking misses if your target changes direction and there is enough distance between you and your target.
I think andete's question was something different, and actually is a bug. I've just experienced it while playing the destinee (sp?) missions - for some reason the ITTS reticule just disappeared and isn't coming back - no, my radar is not damaged, and I haven't changed radars or anything, just in one system ITTS was there and now its not. My autotracking guns now aim for the ship (since there is no reticule) and correspondingly suck a lot more. How do I get it back?
I think I figured it out: although the ship dealer doesn't show the radar as damaged, it actually has "wear and tear" and a "basic repair" fixes this. I haven't actually had the situation occur to me again, but this is my suspicion.
Yes, basic repair is useful; I try to do a basic repair every time I land.

By the way, shots NEVER curve; but they may look curved if you are turning while shooting, just like turning when shooting water with a garden hose. Each drop moves in a straight line, but the pattern of drops may look like a spiral.