Is this project dead?


The pictures on the CIC are amazing. But, the link to the game's homepage is dead. Is the project dead, or perhaps the site has moved to a new address. I have tried Googling WC Pioneer, but I haven't found anything. Some one please let me know what's up. Thank you.
We actually don't have a website, what we did have was a directory where all the images were kept.

The project isn't dead. Joel recently just graduated from college and is now working with Howard at BuzzMonkey studios. It's a very, very, very slow process building a game from scratch with one programmer. We were certainly overzealous in our original assessment of when we'd be able to get a playable demo out. Know that we are still working, but real life really has a habit of slowing things down.

Nope, most definitely not dead! I've been keeping busy with other things, as the artwork required for the demo is complete - or as complete as we can make it without seeing the demo running. Apparently working as a programmer in the industry is less stressful than school, at least that's what Joel tells me. We should be ramping up significantly very soon. I'll talk to him tomorrow and see what kind of schedule we can cook up.
Out of curiosity, if you don't mind, what language and IDE are you using? C++ and Visual Studio? C#? C and Notepad?
I don't suppose you still have any pictures or drawings of that wildcat you came up with, do you howard?
Just so you know -- we aren't dead either ;) . We keep on watching the Pioneer thread, waiting for any news and looking forward to play it -- whenever it will be. Wish you the best in new job, Joel :).
Perhaps it would be wise to assess where you are with your game engine and whether it's appropriate to bite a bit of pride and adopt an existing game engine that you can customise a bit over time.

Honestly if you guys had started this as a Vega Strike mod you'd have been much further along by now, and much closer to project completion.

I could swear I warned you some years ago this would take a long time to create from scratch (you have the artistic muscle but not the programming muscle) but I can't find that post now. Perhaps over the years I've warned so many projects that make this same "mistake" - it happens over and over again - that I am mistaken and never actually said it here, although even if I had I'm sure it would have fallen on deaf ears since you understandably have a lot of self belief.

-- Free Gamer
I could swear I warned you some years ago this would take a long time to create from scratch (you have the artistic muscle but not the programming muscle) but I can't find that post now. Perhaps over the years I've warned so many projects that make this same "mistake" - it happens over and over again - that I am mistaken and never actually said it here, although even if I had I'm sure it would have fallen on deaf ears since you understandably have a lot of self belief.
Yes, I think I do remember you talking about that - and the response you got (which remains just as valid today) is that we don't much appreciate it when people go around Vega-spamming.

First up, it's just plain stupid. A guy is making a film, and you're telling him he'd have made more progress had he made the film as a book... huh?

Second, Vega Strike has a long and ugly history of having fanatical idiot fans, who go around telling the rest of the world to switch to their engine, and we've had enough of that a long time ago. You have neither the right, nor even the basic knowledge needed to assess what would be better for the Pioneer team. It's just plain insulting that you would come here, and arrogantly assume you know so much about their project that you can tell them what's better for them - don't do it.
Yeah, it's well worth the time, energy, and effort to create something that will do exactly what we want as opposed to have to hack something. I mean, GG has proven that great thing can be done with VS....but there are still all manner of really annoying and horrible things wrong with it.

Quite frankly, I would rather have Pioneer take till 2010 and be as advertised than to have something horribly stripped-down in my hands right now.