Introduction to Wing Commander

My first experience with Wing Commander was literally from the cradle. When my dad would watch me, he'd put my crib up on the desk next to our Compaq 386 and play the game. I've had Wing Commander music swirling around my head since I was 2 years old! Then, when I was old enough to use the computer (Read: 4 years old), Wing Commander was the first game I played. I would always eject because I thought missions were too hard. Finally, around 6 years old I actually started playing the games through.
I got started on WC3 for the PS1. My cousin and I were huge star wars nuts, and he loaned me his copy of the game to "try out." Saying If I liked Star Wars, I'd like this.

... needless to say, he never got the game back. :confused:
Saw the movie was going to be played on sci-fi channel, and I'd heard a little about this game series, figured, "Hey, it's a game movie, right? Why not?" Too bad I was too sleepy to tell you much about it. After that I found Prophecy Advance for $10 at Meijer, loved it, then moved on to I & II Kilrathi Saga, being confused for nearly a year as to why anyone wanted to call him Bluehair when the games filled in "Christopher 'Maverick' Blair" for me! :D
Saw the movie was going to be played on sci-fi channel, and I'd heard a little about this game series, figured, "Hey, it's a game movie, right? Why not?" Too bad I was too sleepy to tell you much about it. After that I found Prophecy Advance for $10 at Meijer, loved it, then moved on to I & II Kilrathi Saga, being confused for nearly a year as to why anyone wanted to call him Bluehair when the games filled in "Christopher 'Maverick' Blair" for me! :D

Has anyone answered this yet? No? Ok I will. It does that in the kilrathi saga version of the game, not the actual original. Back then Blair want under several names... Lafong, Armstrong, Bluehair, etc.
I remember the first I heard of it was as a kid reading Nintendo Power magazine. I thought it looked like an awesome game. I remember reading about how you could talk to different pilots and some of the other features. Since the article wasn't close to Christmas or my birthday I didn't ask for it as a gift and forgot about it.

I think it was Christmas when my Dad bought me Wing Commander 3. I didn't ask for it, but I guess someone at the computer store probably suggested it to him. He also knew I loved the Red Baron video game and also was hoping I'd be a pilot. I LOVED it. I wished it added more personalized ace fighters, moving up through the ranks, requesting transfers to different units, medals, and some of those Red Baron features. The interaction between wingmen and the movie scenes with famous actors made up for it. Also, there were still aces to fly with and against which was fun.

Now the aces are easy for me to beat, but I think back then Flash gave me a hard time. If you ran out of missiles, you were going to have a rough time against him. I still remember how nervous I was facing him in the simulator.
I got WC1 and both Addons as a present to my birthday or christmas, I think. (Although I can't remember which one, It was a bundle box, I guess 1991 )

Back then there were few games available in german, and at that point I couldn't understand english yet, so I just remembered some words in order to understand what I was supposed to do in a mission. Sometimes I didn't even realize I had lost a mission. But then I noticed it was possible to hear it in the music of the debriefing. :)
My parents helped me a little and by the time I finally started to learn english at school (years later) I had a halfway descent knowledge of.... ok, at least some military terms in english. :-D

Sometimes I think that my early learning of english language helped me to get into foreign languages, and Wing Commander is certainly a part of it.

Anyway, I knew half of the game by heart, because I played it so often. I broke at least two Joysticks in Wing Commander (although one of them had already been damaged by playing Commander Keen 4 and 5)

Good times....