intermediate newb questions


ok, so first off, I LOVE THE GAME!!!! Thanks to all the devs and progs. This is great
Now the first of a slew of questions. :)

1) When upgrading a ship, say a cent, why am i not allowed more shields and reactors? I did the ground up of a stock cent. then added base shields, the medium shields, but no heavy shields. Is there a spec on what ship can get what?

2) I did the first mission with sandaval, then went back to tayla(spelling?) and did here mission but she came back and said that I muffed the mission and would not talk to me anymore. Did I miss something on the way back? Can I rectify the incident without having to load up a past saved mission?

3) When in the galaxy, is there anyway to static one of the display's to one screen? i.e. static one screen to the objective screen.

Thanx in advance for all the help and suggestions and keep up the work devs. This is great. D/l'd it on Saturday, been playing it since, except for the few hours of sleep a night; like only 4. LOL
1. Welcome to the Forum! :)
2. Wrong section? - My guess is you are talking about WC Privateer Remake, or am I wrong there? - Did not have enough time to play that game myself, yet. :( - That's also why I can't answer your questions, sorry. But maybe you'll get faster replies, when you post your questions here: (if you are talking about WC Privateer Remake, that is)