Interesting bug with weapons ranges...


There appears to be a bug with the game reading the weapon_list.xml file. In the game, I noticed when buying new weapons that the range listed in the description appeared to be a lot less than it should. I dug out my old Privateer Playtester's Guide and compared the values it listed with the ones listed in the game, and noticed an interesting pattern. The ranges seemed to be almost correct, except that the last digit was missing. I went into the weapon_list.xml file, and added a zero onto the end of every range, and it fixed it. So apparently, the when the program loads the values from weapon_list.xml, it ignores the last digit, for some strange reason. Incidentally, this is not just matter of the game incorrectly listing the number, but interpreting it correctly when you're actually using said weapon. I tested it out in combat, and as far as I can tell, if it says 460 meters, that's the effective range of your weapons when you're out in space shooting at another ship.
Btw, made that post at, like 0130 in the morning (couldn't sleep), and I totally neglected to mention what a totally incredibly awesome job you guys have done. Privateer has always been one of my favorite games, and when I found out out about the project from some of the folks over at ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ (I'm a regular there), I hopped straight over here and immediately downloaded a copy. I can't say enough great things about you folks, and if I had any money, I'd be sendin' y'all a nice fat check. You really have done an incredible job, and despite starting from scratch, with updated graphics and all, you've managed to totally maintain the look, feel, and spirit of the original. Y'all deserve a humongous pat on the back, and three cheers for all the effort you put into this. Especially when you consider how many of these fan remake projects never make it past the basic design. I'll be watching this project, along with Starflight 3, very closely for some time to come. Kepp up the great work, guys.

*tips his hat*

EDIT: Hmm, this forum doesn't seem to like long words with the url tag, or something. Anyway, that was supposed to Home of the ~~~~~~~~~, at http://~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

EDIT2: Very peculiar. I guess anyone who isn't familiar with the site can google ~~~~, or ask one of the many people who do know of it.

EDIT (MO) sorry, no links to any of those sites.
I doubt the CIC wants to be associated with that site, and the questionable legality of its content. Can't blame them, and they aren't the first forums I know of to block the links.
I tested the weapon ranges on a Drayman and they appear to work just fine as is. I could hit drain the Draymans shields at a range of just over 4000 meters. The listed range is 424m, so while it does look like a digit is cut off in the description, it doesn't appear to affect the actual weapons range.

So much for that excuse :/
Aye. While I'm not sure what is up with the displayed range, actual range is right on. I think the displayed range isn't taking one of the multipliers into account.

Seems it is picking up
<var name="gun_speed" value=".1"/>
while missing this value
<var name="game_speed" value=".1"/>
that evens it out in game.