Id like to help




I played privateer a long, long time ago, and I found out about this remake just yesterday from a friend. I was thrilled to hear someone had taken this massive task upon themselves.

That said, I'd like to help, but I'm not sure who to approach? Im a graphic designer by trade, but I do a lot of work with 3D in Max as well.

My site is here:

Example of Project in the pipe now is here:

I can draw, I can model, I can design. And I WANT TO HELP.

From what I can tell, you already have an incredible team, and I dont anticipate you'll even need one such as I, but I must make the offer anyway! Even if there were a small chance in hell, I'd want to have taken it.


Id be more than happy to oblige...where do I deliver?
Everything with the exception of the Tarsus, Galaxy, and Centurion needs replacing, well...i think the Orion is alright too. but uh, from there on....yeah....lotsa stuff needed.

Brad Mick
Can I add you lead designers on msn or icq?

Myaa, I should also register on these forums while Im at it...
There are no lead designers. Try to improve the poor looking models/textures and post the results here.

Project Lead is Mamiyaotaru.
Seems to me that the Tarsus and Galaxy could do with some improvement...

Actually I think the sprites ought to come back for the ship dealer screens where the ship exterior is shown. With the models there it looks like cardboard/plastic props.
if you want....retexture the galaxy and tarsus, hell retex em all. modeling wise? they're within 99.99% accurate. trust me on this :)

Brad Mick
agreed with Brad on this. Mainly there are no need for the spacejets models so far... but there is a high need for the high quality textures. The textures will make those models to look amazing.

Another thing i guess you may help with (well i'm not a team member, just a freelancer modeler/voice actor guy for the Privateer Remake, so this jsut my advise, but i guess the team will share my opinion) are the good renders of the rooms. As you might see, the game uses the original room screens from the old Privateer, whicha re look pretty pixelated, so if you are having no fun retexturing the ships, you may model the rooms and create some nice renders for the remake. But remember the images must be 99% accurate. It's a remake after all not an enchancement/add'on version ;)

Ah! Registered now.

Okay, retexturing the ships should be a fun one to start off with. A few questions:

- Where are the assets (current models, textures, etc) stored?
- What are the specific export formats needed for this (or do I just examine the original Vega Strike engine structure to discover this myself)
- What is the modeling structure like? (as in, A ship, minus engines [which get 'attatched' in game, depending on what the player buys, and so on])

There are more questions, I'd just like to see what the take on the ones so far are before I torment you with the rest.



PS. I added you on msn, Brad. JIC
message me at ..

icq : 4189579
msn : scheherazade at
aim : scheherazade0xf

i'll answer all your structure questions in there.

there is some stuff in the vegastrike engine that is quite counterintuitice to what you're prolly used to, like material properties stored with geometry, etc.

a chat will make it quick and painless :)
