I think the Kilrathi Saga might be running a bit too fast...


I'm not completely sure as it's been a long time since I've played the game. Did they make WC1 harder than the original for the Kilrathi Saga? Cause it seems like you die much faster and so do any ships you're supposed to protect. That's what makes me think that maybe the game is just running a little too fast. I use Windows XP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I might as well ask about this in the same topic...

Ok, tab is afterburner and I move with the arrow keys. My problem is, for some stupid reason, pressing any arrow key cancels the afterburner, even though I'm holding tab down :(

Has this happened to anybody else?
About Kilrathi Saga...

I recently was able to get Kilrathi Saga, let me share some of the things I've done.

First, because you use XP, go to where the game executable files are (the '.exe's). They should be in a folder in your programs directory called Kilrathi Saga and then inside sub-folders for each game called "wc1","wc2", and "wc3". Go inside the folder for Wing Commander one and then right click on the file called WC1.exe and head to propertise. Tab to "Compatability" and check the compatability mode option on and select Windows 95.

For me this made each of the games a bit more reliable and also fixed some keyboard oddities. But unfortunately, because of the way I think Windows polls the keyboard, you really won't be able to fly with the keyboard like you did in the DOS days. It just isn't responsive enough. This is even in one of the inserts and Origin basically said you really can't do anything about it and I think this is still true. Try flying with the mouse - the 'tab' key for afterburner should work just fine after you turned on compatability mode and 'enter' works fine more the missiles too. You can do both afterburner and fire missiles with the mouse, too, but I don't usually.

Also, despite what I've read and thought to be true, you can adjust the inflight game speed (at least in Wing Commander II, I haven't gotten to Wing Commander I yet). When you are inflight hit Alt-N or Alt-M to adjust the game's speed.

Hope this helps you.
There are some proggies out there that claim to slow down the game by affecting your processor speed, I'm not certain how well they work or how safe they are.
Speed Programs

You shouldn't have to worry about using the slow down programs on KS. Just change the compatability mode and remember to try to adjust the speed in-game. The slow down programs sound a bit too risky anyway if you are running XP.
KSOT said:
I'm not completely sure as it's been a long time since I've played the game. Did they make WC1 harder than the original for the Kilrathi Saga? Cause it seems like you die much faster and so do any ships you're supposed to protect. That's what makes me think that maybe the game is just running a little too fast. I use Windows XP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The speed you're playing KS at is probably the 'normal' speed for the original Wing Commander... since the game-as-published in 1990 had no speed limiter, it simply went as fast as it possibly could. Anyone who originally played it on a 286/12 became used to a far slower game than anyone who originally played it on a 386/33.... so playing 'maxed out' KS may take some getting used to.

If you really want to slow it down, though, I reccomend CPUKiller -- I believe it's available in the CIC's files section.

(The keyboard issue is a limitation of Windows 95 that has unfotunately carried on through today. Best solution is to buy a $4 joystick at CompUSA and play with that. :))
There are also some keyboard commands for the original game, on CD, that slow it down. I can't remember what they are, but they are there. I used them. They may work in KS.
When you are inflight hit Alt-N or Alt-M to adjust the game's speed in Kilrathi Saga. I guess if that doesn't work try the slow down software.

There were speed settings on the DOS versions that I played too, which were the first two games bundled on a CD-ROM. I had a "Turbo" button back then that I could turn on and off - "off" was the way to go.
Might as well post my question here.

I can't find my KS keyboard commands sheet.
Can anyone tell me the shortcut to tell my wingman to break and attack (rather than going through the comms menus) because diverting attention to this seems often gets me in trouble at the beginning of an engagement.
ALT+A: Attack my Target
ALT+B: Break and Attack
ALT+D: Report Damage
ALT+F: Form on my Wing
ALT+T: Taunt

None of those work in any kind of WC1 however AFAIK.
But unfortunately, because of the way I think Windows polls the keyboard, you really won't be able to fly with the keyboard like you did in the DOS days. It just isn't responsive enough.
This, unfortunately, is a real let down for me, personally. ):