I need a file... Can anyone help?


I just got finished downloading the full version of Wind Commander: Secret ops. Unfortunatley the "Data.tre" file is corrupt.... It took FOREVER to download it... and i really don't want to download the whole program again so if anyone has an ftp server or could send it to me across MSN or ICQ then I would be forever in their debt... Thanks..


Since the thing is unbelivably huge, it'd be tought to MSG it, or anything. What you could try is getting Wing Commander Prophecy Gold, or try downloading it again.

Actually, talk to me later today and I could probably just send you my data.tre files, if you have mIRC...

[Edited by Nep Parth on 06-22-2001 at 13:19]
Yeah... unfortunately data.tre is one of the larger portions of the games... but try stopping by #WingNut on DALnet to get it from somebody.
Originally posted by Ryan
I just got finished downloading the full version of Wind Commander: Secret ops. Unfortunatley the "Data.tre" file is corrupt.... It took FOREVER to download it... and i really don't want to download the whole program again so if anyone has an ftp server or could send it to me across MSN or ICQ then I would be forever in their debt... Thanks..



Also by admitting that you downloaded the full version that means that you quite obviously aquired it illegally and thus shouldn't get any help
Don't be stupid, Nap... he means he was downloading large first portion -- noboy would complain about losing a 300k episode download.
My Secret Ops CD weighs in at nearly 200meg. How long would that take to download? Quite a while...