I have a few questions...



I just got my hands on my missing episodes of the Wing Commander saga. Now, I have a few questions...

First concerning WC III, I have the DOS version of that game and successfully patched it to make it run as the Windows version. However, I have a problem with it as the game freezes here and there in the game (most of the time before a cutscene) and I have to reboot. I read in an other thread here that to prevent that you have to Alt-Tab out of the game and put the process' priority to "Normal"... I did that but I noticed that the priority was already to "Normal". Any idea about that ?

Here is what's in my computer :

PC 3.00 GHz
Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2 (I had the SP 1 at first but I upgraded it when I thought it might correct the problem... I was wrong.)
GeForce 128MB 3-D video card
DirectX 9.0c (or DirectX 10, can't remember)

My other question is about the WC Prophecy mession editor that you offer on your website... Is it compatible with Secret Ops ? I mean, can I use it to design missions for Secret Ops ?

Thanks in advance.
DOS WCIII is iffy running on XP. What you have done is not so much patched the DOS version as hacked its executable. There is no official Win95 patch for WCIII like there is for WCIV. The 'patch' as you have it is the Kilrathi Saga version of the Wing Commander III executable. This causes some problems when you play the game. Have you had problems with the sound as well?

Your best bet for getting Wing Commander III Dos to work is to go and download a utility called dosbox. There are instructions in the Tech Support forum here at the CIC on how to install it. The game might run a tad slow at times but your processor is more than up to the task.

Oh, and an admin may want to move this to tech support.
Have you had problems with the sound as well?

Well, I had. But I downloaded the WC3 : Kilrathi Saga's music file from an other website dedicated to Wing Commander III, IV and Prophecy. It solved the problem.

As I said, the only problem left is the game freezing... And that is a pain in the @ss.
I never liked DOSbox, but it looks like that's my only choice. I think I'll give it a try... Thanks for your help.