How much of a difference did it make?

Originally posted by Dak
In WC4 morale did pretty much the same. But of course, the answers you gave could effect the outcome of the game, the big one is whether you follow Panther's advice and go to Circe or Hawk's and go for the shipyard.
That's NOT the "big one". This has been explained ad naseum, but here we go again. ALL decisions affecting Hawk and Panther have an impact on which winning ending you receive, because that ending is entirely dependent on whose morale (Hawk or Panther) is higher at game's end. There are three PROMINENT decisions, recognizable because the directly pit Panther against Hawk:

1. Circe (support Panther) or Spearadon (support Hawk)
2. "There's always hope." (Panther) or "We die trying." (Hawk)
3. Run by Ella (Panther) or flashpak Ella (Hawk)

However, these are NOT the only factors which affect their morale, and certainly one of them alone is relatively insignificant. I've chosen two of the three above in support of one character, and still gotten the other character's winning endgame.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
He's just some stupid guy who thinks he's better than everybody.

I remember that person posting and saying she was a girl. She was talking to Fishbone or something and saying she wasn't the only girl on the board. This was a while ago, back before the board update.
Originally posted by LeHah

I remember that person posting and saying she was a girl. She was talking to Fishbone or something and saying she wasn't the only girl on the board. This was a while ago, back before the board update.
Hm...that was a thing LOAF said to me once. Months ago.
He said there would be one more girl out here. I really don't think it's Akashra. He is a boy. and stupid additionally.
Such a talk has never taken place, LeHah.
Not between me and him. I have my doubts that it has ever taken place. :)
I apparently do not remember that at all.

Who is Number One? How do I escape from this island?
At least it is not important. :)
I only ask myself when Akashra will appear again. lol
I think he will sure find a way in again. If it is possible.
Originally posted by OriginalPhoenix
That's NOT the "big one". ..

Apologies, but that's the one that stands out for me. I don't think there's really much of a choice in this one, not if you want to be a proper hero.
Guys, Akashra is gone... let's leave it at that. Let's be cool enough not to pick on someone who cannot defend himself anymore. Starts to sound too much like Blackening&Slander, and I'd rather not buy my new vest there.

Kris, LOAF, hope you support me on this one.
I wouldnt bash it really.. im just happy iwas smart enough not to read it all (ty for putting it on point form for easy knowledge of it ruining it all) so yeah, what does ship morale do