Homeworld 2 Modding Update


Rear Admiral
Well from what I've been finding from friends who are picking at the game, and from what I've found.

cool part 1. The ability to add a race is possible, whether we can include custome ships(meaning not replace current) would seem to be true, however that is not confirmed so I continue to expect the answer to be no.

BAD Part 1. Care must be taken when modding files, AS i found out last night, editing the wrong way can destablize your game(corrupt files)
i had to reinstall my game.

leaving me to conclude it'd be best to stick it out for the official tools

well i have not bought the game yet.
but i if you need some tester i could.
another point is, that i buy the german version (cause i am from good old germany) so maybe we can find out if there is are some complications cause of the lenguage. i dont think so, but who knows?
Jup there is a dark and evil germany...its at night when its dark and cold. Bloody Vampires are walking through the streets and Elfes and Humans are fighting together against the Orcs.
What this isn't the Shadowrun forum...ups sorry ^_^

Now serious, I would also like to test anything from the HW2 mod for the german version...but can also test the englisch one.
gevatter Lars said:
Jup there is a dark and evil germany...its at night when its dark and cold. Bloody Vampires are walking through the streets and Elfes and Humans are fighting together against the Orcs.
What this isn't the Shadowrun forum...ups sorry ^_^

Now serious, I would also like to test anything from the HW2 mod for the german version...but can also test the englisch one.

Der ist gut gewesen, alter! :-D
StarSaint said:
come on bob. everyone says Good Ole when they're talking about their own country

I don't :(

Back on topic, I've been monitoring HW2 modding progress off and on, and I'll be glad to help in anyway I can.
roflmao - hehehe for some reason I never run out of seeing people say "I'll help ya out" "oh you want me to work, i can only test it" :P

StarSaint said:
roflmao - hehehe for some reason I never run out of seeing people say "I'll help ya out" "oh you want me to work, i can only test it" :P


true, true, but i never saied "i help you out!" ;-)
but let me programm or design the mod and you can put it in the trash.
Col.Fireball said:
if i can help, i will do it, too.

on the contrary... u did... :eek:

doesn't matter right now though, tools are a bit unstable, I've managed to get some tid bits working, but I've still gotta find a way to get my copy of maya working so i can convert file formats with no problems...
StarSaint said:
on the contrary... u did... :eek:

doesn't matter right now though, tools are a bit unstable, I've managed to get some tid bits working, but I've still gotta find a way to get my copy of maya working so i can convert file formats with no problems...

yes, i sayed i will help you,... but not i help you OUT :-)
StarSaint said:
on the contrary... u did... :eek:

doesn't matter right now though, tools are a bit unstable, I've managed to get some tid bits working, but I've still gotta find a way to get my copy of maya working so i can convert file formats with no problems...

does your posting mean that the tools are out? *rumbles* I have to check if I have Maya installed...
Offical tools are NOT out

3rd party tools are available all over the forums at relicnews.com

as for maya I gotta find my cd and get my copy working... right after i play some Halo :D

Are there ANY (good) news about the mod?
i tried to aks tolwyn on icq, but he doesnt say much about except that he is working on freespace,... well fine but i am interested in the mod for hw2!
an tolwyn, please trie to be a ilittle bit nicer on icq. it seems that you are often a little angry when i want to talk to you ;-)
and its not so that i talk to you every fu***** day :-D

and its very hard at the moment to catch starsaint :-(
so i hope you guys can tell me some news and your next steps for the mod :-)
Tolwyn said:
well, my problems is that I have real life... and working on two mods takes a lot of time

everyone of us has a real life, but please be a bit friendlier ;-)