Holy, Crappy, Prophecy rip off, Batman!


Vice Admiral
I was over at site called filefront and just for fun I typed in Wing Commander in the search field. One of the first files that came up was demo for a game called Alpha Wing. I thought it sounded interesting so I downloaded it and tried it out.
It seemed like it was trying real hard to be Prophecy. When you start the game you choose your callsign and are then "left" in a corridor. You can choose to access a computer or go to the briefing room. In either action you find that you're a pilot aboard the TC Origin:eek: ! When you go into the briefing room you refer to your Personal Data System for your mission briefing. Then once the briefing is done you hop in your pantsfighter, sorry star fighter, and go out and fight the bad guys.
Instead of a cockpit view you see your ship from overhead similar to Raptor COTS except you can fly in any direction you want within a "screen" the moment you hit the edge of the screen it moves to another section of space. There was a game called Solar Winds that had a similar view.
Anyway the first mission, at least in the demo, has you flying to the aid of a civilian transport, which unfortunately is destroyed before you get there. Then you are set upon by bad guys flying fighters with texture surprisingly similar to the Kilrathi.
I gave it a couple missions and thought it was alright. Maybe it's one of those games that grows on you, like a fungus, and can fun once you get to know it, like a fungus!