Holy crap

Hehehe... Yeah, that's one awesome performance!

You should be given the Medal of Silence, for getting multiple idiots at once to shut up.
The Mace was great in SO2....I found it's usefulness somewhat reduced in WC4 although it was cool to steer it and detonate on command using the missile cam
I used to have a blast playing with the mace in academy, going after clumps of fralthra and starbases and stuff. Oh man, wasted youth...

Also, I kinda liked how a lot of those prototype weapons you could get in wc4 were weak, oddball things with limited usefulness, because I'm sick and tired of games where prototype weapons work perfectly and devastingly every time.
Ah the mace I remember watching that big explosion in those games.I remember in WC Academy that I shot a mace at nothing and waited to see if it would exploded. And it did like a big mushroom cloud it did...hehehe
that was good