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Originally posted by Sirithchilion
U gave me the impression with your post before that the game never was finished and never out in the market...
No normal person ever considers a beta as "out in the market."
The time I stop "wonder" about what seems like poor decisions is the day I stop thinking and become what is known as a "drone".
Yeah, except my whole point was that it wasn't a poor decision. Killing a product that's not performing acceptably is *never* a poor decision, and since that's always the reason, you should never have to wonder. You don't become a "drone" that way, you just stop wasting your time rehashing the same question and coming up with the same answer all the time.
I detect...hostility

I probably must have offended u in the most horrible way...

Plz explain how and I will apologise.
Don't mind Frosty, he's like that with everyone

I don't know...when a person sayz to me, (look below), then it's gone way past a "friendly debate" as LOAF so colourful said in a earlier post. Then it gets unfriendly.

Thx anyway.

No normal person ever considers a beta as "out in the market."
Originally posted by Bob McDob
Don't mind Frosty, he's like that with everyone...:)
Yeah, except not.

And besides, that doesn't make me any less correct.

I was aggressive, not hostile. I defended my point when you contested it, and hopefully convinced you to change your mind, that is all.
You still have alot to learn about curtesy. Sure...I was wrong. Does that give u the right to be insulting, and since when is being aggressive accepted just because you are right? Especially since I was not aggressive.
Originally posted by Sirithchilion
You still have alot to learn about curtesy.
No I don't. You're the newbie. It's *you* who needs to learn a little bit about just exactly where you stand with *me*, instead. I'm me, and everyone knows me, and everyone knows how I am, and how I present myself in a debate. My behavior is an accepted norm, and I am allowed a certain degree of movement as far as that is concerned because of the fact that I've been around for a while. I'm not going to change how I act because some little peon got offended.
don't think so.

I just read your profile..There is nothing in there that tells me that you are better than me. And oddly enough it doesn't say that everyone else have to kiss your ass, and also it doesn't say that it gives u special rights to talk crap about others.

But of course...that special rule that only apply to you, and is invisible to everyone else.

Cool it, Sirithchillion. Just let it go. Frosty's always this way, as I've had the pleasure of discovering once. This is not aggressive or anything, just trying to keep Sirithchilion out of trouble, so nobody be offended, please.
Friendly debate my ass...

If that white-power retard Frosty wants to push me out of the CIC chat board, sure.. He can have it, I'm taking my "apperently to disturbing opinions" elsewhere.

Hey LOAF if your reading this...I cant stand pushovers like Frosty, nothing personal against u.
As far as I can tell, you're the one who started all the hostility, Sirith. Frosty was just defending his point like he always does. Of course, if you'd been around a little longer, you might've known that. You're the one who decided to take offense to it.

Don't get all pissed-off just because you lost your argument.
Originally posted by Sirithchilion
Alltough, there is a thing called "stand-alone episode", or "stand-alone expansion". The difference between episode and add-on is very thin if non-existing.


These do not require the original game to function, but their story-line is directly connected to the previous games in the series.

So Secret Ops is a stand alone expansion, U don't have to have WCP to play it, and it's tied to the main WingCommander storyline.
So, by your definition, we've really only had ONE Wing Commander game, and all successive games have been add-ons. :)

This has been debated to death in the past -- several times -- and the consensus matches with Origin's intentions: WCSO is NOT an add-on to WCP.
Alrighty... this thread's about to close, so I figure I'll throw in some comments. You disagreed with him and he upped his agressiveness. He did not, however, seem to be insulting you. If you take that as a personal attack, you may have problems with quite a few people on the internet.

Secondly, Frosty's post about what you construed to be special 'rights', wasn't. He was, in my eyes, talking about how he has some status and respect in the general community due to longevity. This is true anywhere, including here. He doesn't get to break rules, and he doesn't appear to have.

Originally posted by Sirithchilion

If that white-power retard Frosty wants to push me out of the CIC chat board, sure.. He can have it, I'm taking my "apperently to disturbing opinions" elsewhere.

Actually, if there is anything in this thread I would find offensive, it would be this. Calling someone a 'white-power retard' is just stupid. You don't even know if Frosty's white... He actually is, but nothing in this thread would lead you to believe that he is white, nor would they lead you to believe that he thinks this gives him a special status. If I were to go and call someone a Nazi, a fascist, or some other unfounded, highly offensive, thing I would probably get punched in the face. I would deserve to be. I don't see anyone trying to 'push' you out of this chat zone and I don't understand what you think is a disturbing opinion nor why you placed "apperently [sic] to [sic] disturbing opinions" in quotation marks.

Hey LOAF if your reading this...I cant stand pushovers like Frosty, nothing personal against u.

I don't know what you're trying to tell LOAF, nor am I sure why you used the term pushover, as it doesn't seem to apply to this situation at all...

If you'd like to discuss this with me, you can e-mail me at or the entire Chat Zone administration at

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