Hey Guys - New member here...


I've been a huge WC fan ever since I received WCI for Christmas when I was 10 years old. I have played every WC game/addon since then, and have loved every moment.

I just have a question. I have played WC1; Secret Ops I and II; WCII, WCIII, WCIV, and Prophecy Gold, is there anything that I have missed? Has anyone heard anything about the next step in the series? Are they just going to scrap the series after the first bug encounter?

Did you play the add-on campaigns for both WC1 and WC2? There were two add-ons for each game.
There was also Wing Commander Armada and Wing Commander Academy.
Finally, there's Privateer, which is set around the same time as WC2, and involves using your own ship to engage in various legal and illegal activities of your own choosing.
Well, if you love wing commander, you've come to the right place. As for the continuation of the series, there was a thread about that a couple of days ago.

My very first thread. Oh... memoriiieeeeeeeeeeees

Best, Talyn
Privateer also had an add-on called "Righteous Fire" and have you read the novels? Because they contain a lot canon information. And there's the movie and the WCA cartoon on TV of course...
Well, it's not exactly on TV anymore........but......you can download it! (WCATV that is of course)

Oh yeah, there's also Unkown Enemy which comes out 'when it's finished' and alot of other fan campaigns.
i heard it still plays once in a while on the canadian (:)) teletoon channel. but i have never been watching at the right time :(

oh, yeah. i think i remember somthing on the main page a few months ago about it being on some channel in asia or somthing. (phillipines?)
Well, I watch Teletoon quite often (gotta love their retro times, oh the memories. I wish they would put on He-Man. Sorry, got a bit off topic there) and I have yet to see the WCA show. If anyone knows the time it is on can they tell me? I would love to see it on the TV. I think everyone who replied listed all the versions of WC available. Oh, and welcome to the board. I love this place, Its nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world who has loved this series since it came out in 1990. My first version was a pirated copy:eek: from my Uncle. My first real copy was WC2, I got it for christmas. When did everyone else come into the series and how?
Originally posted by TC
Teletoon's website says they don't show it...


do they specifically say that? i noticed they take references to specials down after they are shown. i tried looking up ninja scroll not too long ago and it wasn't there.
Heyyy, I made a meta-faq!

I'm new to Wing Commander games! Where should I start?

Main Story-
Wing Commander
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions {Addon}
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade {Addon}
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1 {Addon}
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 2 {Addon}
Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger
Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander Prophecy
Wing Commander Special Ops

Privateer Spinoff-
Wing Commander: Privateer
Privateer: Rightous Fire {Addon}
Privateer 2: The Darkening

Other Spinoffs-
Wing Commander Academy
Wing Commander Armada
Wing Commander Armada: Proving Grounds {Addon}

I'm familiar with the main PC games! What else can I play?

Demos! There are some demo-specific missions...

Wing Commander 3 {A new mission... kill Dralthi in an Arrow}
Wing Commander 4 {A very fun gauntlet mission... blow up pirates and find a secret hidden stormfire}
Wing Commander Prophecy 3DFX Test {Another fun gauntlet... blast Kilrathi.}
Wing Commander Prophecy {A whole 3/4 mission series that was cut from the game!}
Wing Commander Armada Patch {It added two missions to the gauntlet... where you don't do anything!}
Privateer 2 {Gauntlet style version of an existing P2 mission}

I'm a crazy obsessed fan! What different versions of existing games are there?

Super Wing Commander (3DO & Mac) (WC1 w/ a new addon package and new graphics/full speech}
Wing Commander 3 (Mac) (Same as the PC version)
Wing Commander 4 (Mac) (Same as the PC version)
Wing Commander 3 (3DO) (Alternate missions, different engine, more FMV, more info in manual)
Wing Commander 3 (PSX) (more FMV, more info in manual)
Wing Commander 4 (PSX) (different FMV, some alternate missions, more info in manual)
Wing Commander (SegaCD) (full speech, different name for main character, more info in manual)
Wing Commander {SNES} {Worse graphics, weird dialogue changes, one extra scene, more info in manual}
Secret Missions {SNES} {Worse graphics, weird dialogue changes, new intro scene}
Wing Commander {Amiga} {TrainSim slightly different!}

What books should I read?

Freedom Flight
End Run
Fleet Action
Heart of the Tiger
The Price of Freedom
Action Stations
False Colors
Wing Commander
Pilgrim Stars

WC1/2 Official Guide
WC3 Official Guide
WC3 Authorized Guide
WC4 Official Guide
WCP Official Guide
Armada Playtesters Guide
Privateer Playtesters Guide
Privateer 2 Official Guide

What about other stuff?
Wing Commander CCG (Based on WC3, 32something cards and 2 promos}
Wing Commander The Movie {Available on DVD!}
Wing Commander Academy {13 episode animated series}
Wing Commander TV Show (Just you wait...)

And... there's always collectables, too!
Oh.....my.......god..........he's at it again. ;) Loaf, the walking talking breathing WC encycolopedia.

You forgot to mention the maps loaf!
Maybe you should put something like that up someplace really obvious LOAF. Although I expect nobody will bother reading it before posting those sort of questions;)

An as-good-as-your-gonna-get beginners guide to quite a bit of WC sort of thing...