Help with WC Privateer Remake

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I have a P3 677Mhz
Direct X 9
384 Megs ram
Voodoo3 300 16Meg video card

I can run Privateer remake, but no graphics show up.

The screen is all white with some gray shade.
Registration is a good thing. Lots of people posting with the name "Unregistered" makes it very difficult to keep track of who you're talking to. (Whoever implemented required registration, thank you.)

I'm not sure a Voodoo 3 is enough horsepower to run the Remake.
I'm running the Remake with a GeForce256DDR (that's a "GeForce1"). It's better than a Voodoo3, but not by a huge margin, unless you run on a slow system (even slower than my 700MHz Athlon). See e.g. this comparison (the Asus card is the GeForce256DDR).

Do note that the Voodoo3 has problems with all sorts of advanced features, so you might have to reduce the features used. Run Priv Setup and select Vertex Lists, 16 bit color (full-screen - IIRC the Voodoo3 had problems with windowed modes as well) and No Specular Lighting.
He may be better off just buying a new nForce based PC and maxing out the memory on it, and keeping the old box around for oldskool games that won't run on a modern PC. (Like the origional Privateer! :) )
I miss the forums not requiring registration actually--we'd get a lot more user posts about bugs and so forth that do not deign to login under the current setup--
is there any way to get the old behavior back?