Help! Who gets what?

I don't know what ships to give to who anymore :(

Here is what I was thinking:


Thing is, Priv happens at the same time as Armada. However the Armada ships are supposed to be prototypes given to a supercarrier.... I suppose SOME would show up, since for example the Shoklar shows up in Righteous Fire, albeit minus the cloaking device. (I think it's a Shoklar not a Salthi, sorry)

What to do, what to do... I don't want to deviate too much from canon.... v_v
It is confusing. As I understand it, the Salthi from Righteous Fire used the mesh from the Salthi in Super Wing Commander. They also borrowed that mesh when making the Shoklar for Armada.

I've never really heard if anyone has come up for an in-universe explanation for the similarities in design, but I'd be curious :)
Maybe it's the same frame with the designation Salthi without a cloaking device and with the designation Shoklar with.

I can't really use the information in wcnews (I've looked!) because all this is happening before WC3... so what did the border worlds use then? and the landreich? I'm having to guess, and I'd like to have the opinion of someone who knows about WC lore better than me. I can't really put in ALL the ships because it's too much work for me right now... and it would make my download too big... so I'm trying to add "signature" ships first. You know Dralthis mean kats and Vindicators mean border worlds, for one.
border worlds would also have hornets, ferrets, etc. i don't think the landreich would have stuff the border worlds doesn't. they're both frontier.
the vindicator is a medium fighter IIRC.

the Dralthis are mediums as well.

The landreich would have....probably some scimitars or something. i need to confer with LOAF, so don't take this as gospel. just some detail things. there aren't just light and heavy fighters in the universe.

Brad Mick
Thing is, Priv happens at the same time as Armada. However the Armada ships are supposed to be prototypes given to a supercarrier.... I suppose SOME would show up, since for example the Shoklar shows up in Righteous Fire, albeit minus the cloaking device. (I think it's a Shoklar not a Salthi, sorry)

It's a Salthi, hence 'salthi.iff'.

Remember that the Shok'lar had not yet been created in 1993. Privateer reused graphics from Super Wing Commander, which created the model as a Salthi. Privateer also reuses Super Wing Commander's Dralthi as its Dralthi VII.

Furthermore, the story is that the Kilrathi are selling *surplus* ships to Menesch -- not top of the line fighters.

There is, however, some evidence that the Shok'lar is simply a Salthi with a cloaking device. Using the Salthi spaceframe for other designs appears in several places in the Wing Commander continuity. Salthi modified as bombers appear in Armada's Voices of War manual (and on the cover of The Secret Missions SNES). In False Colors, we see what may be the missing link between the Salthi and the Shok'lar -- the Hrakthi class recon craft, said to be a Salthi with limited weapons and a cloaking device for observing enemy fleet movements.

I can't really use the information in wcnews (I've looked!) because all this is happening before WC3... so what did the border worlds use then? and the landreich? I'm having to guess, and I'd like to have the opinion of someone who knows about WC lore better than me. I can't really put in ALL the ships because it's too much work for me right now... and it would make my download too big... so I'm trying to add "signature" ships first. You know Dralthis mean kats and Vindicators mean border worlds, for one.

Well, the simple answer for the Border Worlds is that they wouldn't fly anything because the Union doesn't exist in 2669. :) The Union of Border Worlds as a nation is created in 2673, and its "Outerworlds Fleet" was composed of local militia units, Confederation units which remain loyal and home defense squadrons.

In 2669 the "Border Worlds" area of space will be much systems defended by local Militia and Home Defense squadrons, loyal to the Terran Confederation. More Gladii, Talons and such... and then things like Thunderbolt VII HD units (like we see in the WC3 novel).

The Landreich at the time will fly bits and pieces of ships leftover from earlier Wing Commander games -- Ferrets, Rapiers, Sabres, Scimitars, the occasional Broadsword. Since we're talking the period just after the Battle of Earth, the region will actually be defended by a Terran Confederation naval garrison. (Assigned there out of respect for Kruger's assistance at the Battle of Earth).
meow O_O we're not worthy! we're not worthy! that's a lot of information @_@ thanks....

I'm going to put the BWU in anyway because, well, they're an integral part of the wing commander universe and they should be represented -- I'm just giving them the older ships so far. They're using phantom(was thinking banshee but the banshee stinks without the leech gun, which is definitely post-priv), vindicator, and durango cruiser/carrier. Landreich use as you said, bits and pieces of stuff -- I did put in a Rapier which manages to look good on it.

One model I couldn't find is that of a Kilrathi transport, so I kind of invented one ^^; screenshot coming. << kilrathi transport/corvette.

By the way, I'm updating the file, it's a little bigger because it has more ships in it.

The only change is that there's more ships I keyed in. Next update will have some starbases, after which I'm going to quit all this v_v michelle disapproves me doing stuff she should be doing. i hope someone'll use this as the start of a real wcu project...
heh heh, and there the man himself speaks :)

I question you're putting the border worlds in unless you're moving the timeline forward to have it make sense. to put it in just for the sake of having them in there (and honestly, they're not that inegral in the universe at all until WC4). I'd focus specifically on the Landreich, as the Landreich at the time WAS an integral part. The Border Worlds seem a kind of....afterthought.

Brad Mick
The way I understand it is that the BWU was just happy with going along with following Confed's strategy until WC4, the point of them even being there is that they always stayed at least nominally independent -- annexionists said that the BW de facto renounced their independence by doing so.

I'm mainly putting them in right now because I want to see a big WCU map with all the factions doing their thing, then whoever will do the wcu project has a starting point at least...

I agree that you probably know best, I'm more going for giving a full picture than exact continuity ^^;; recapture the feeling so to speak.
The way I understand it is that the BWU was just happy with going along with following Confed's strategy until WC4, the point of them even being there is that they always stayed at least nominally independent -- annexionists said that the BW de facto renounced their independence by doing so.

Nah, during the war 'border worlds' just refers to the worlds on the border. Referring to them that way in the fifties or sixties would have meant the group of systems that includes the Terran Confederation colonies in Epsilon and Vega, as well as smaller nations like the Landreich and Grovsner.

The idea that they were something other than ordinary colonies was something the war itself created... they were the systems that suffered the most because they bore the brunt of the Kilrathi attack. Many of the Confederation systems we fly in the original trilogy end up becoming part of the Union when it's formed.

The idea that they'd have their own independant government didn't come about until late 2672, when systems banded together their militia forces in response to what they saw as organized military action taken against them. (Tolwyn basically inspired the border systems to form into the Union specifically so he could start a war).

Maybe you could treat the militia/HD units like Civil War regiments, to suggest how they'll eventually take sides -- "25th Circe", "19th Hellespont" and whatnot.

I question you're putting the border worlds in unless you're moving the timeline forward to have it make sense. to put it in just for the sake of having them in there (and honestly, they're not that inegral in the universe at all until WC4). I'd focus specifically on the Landreich, as the Landreich at the time WAS an integral part. The Border Worlds seem a kind of....afterthought.

I would argue that neither of them is *integral*... the classic idea of Wing Commander is as a Pacific War analogue, and it includes neither group. Both were created for their use in specific stories and then generally acted around in later games (to the novels credit, they did continue to develop the Landreich when given the chance).
hmm....a good point. i just always took landreich as being fairly important since it was used so much in the novels. either way i guess.

Brad Mick