I was finally able to finish my WCP mesh reader and plug it into the main WC2 ship converter, so I pulled the WCP Dralthi, ran a few tests and converted it to WCA. Sure enough, the ship does look better. The additional detail is noticeable even at the low resolutions used by WC2 / WCA, so that definitely paid off. I'm going to start working on the Dralthi stats based on the discussion on this thread, but in the meantime, here's a few screenshots of the new Dralthi. Note that the ship was converted with the "higher-resolution" mode I discussed some posts back, which means the scale still needs to be tweaked (the ship looks a bit larger than it should at a given distance)
Brilliant! Whoever would have thought we'd see the day when a Dralthi in WC2 looks better than the WC3 version

It does kind of expose the limits of 3d gaming, though. You look at that Dralthi, and it's immediately clear those wings should have smooth, curvy edges instead of those low-poly angles. One can only imagine how stellar a sprite conversion from the high-poly original model would have looked.
Of course, this is more of a curiosity than anything else, i'm not sure we can justify having a Nephilim ship in a WC2 mod as anything more than an easter egg (unless it happens to take place after the destruction of Kilrah). In any case, here are a few pics of the Manta in WCA:
Heh, when I suggested converting bug ships, I didn't even remember that palette would be an issue. As it is, though, it looks great - you really can't see much indication of the colour reduction.
I can imagine a pretty fun alternative history mod, where the Nephilim arrive a decade and a half earlier, wiping out Kilrah in the middle of the war. If the Nephilim arrived with the same ships and the same stats as in 2681, they would have been a tough nut to crack indeed - and the Concordia's PTC would have a lot of work to do

. Fun stuff...
I just have to ask because it interests me immensely and I nver came around to doing it: who can I look at the real in-game stats of WC1 and WC2 ships (and weapons maybe)? Is there something as comfortable as WCPedit?
Well, it's been years and I don't remember all the details. There certainly were some tools available: a ship editor from HCl for WC2, another one (remarkably enough, not from HCl - though he released a modified and improved version of it with support for KSaga) for WC1. There was also a ship editor (from HCl) for Armada. I don't know if all these tools are still available, since at some point most of HCl's website vanished due to some hosting issue. Years ago, hard to remember. I do still have the WC1 & WC2 ship editors, at least.
However, the WC2 editor doesn't quite do everything. It allows you to view all the basic WC2 ships, but does not give you access to the alternative loadouts (and in WC2, the alternative loadout was essentially a complete set of alternative stats). I am certain there was a tool to look at those as well, because I remember looking at them - what was it? I don't know. Sadly, while I have all the WC1 & WC2 ship stats stored in a text file, I never bothered to write out the alternative loadout stats. You can certainly get at them with a hex editor, though.
Weapons are a different issue. As far as I can recall, there has never been an editor for weapons in any of these games, and the stats were therefore pretty tough to get. It is possible to check out at least the WC2 weapon stats by opening the EXE up with a hex editor - I know this for certain, because I have a text file sitting here with all the gun stats. I also have the raw data for the missile stats, but this is where it got harder. You get a set of numbers. What do they mean? Which one is damage? Which one is speed? Which one is... what, exactly? Range? Longetivity measured in seconds? Do missiles have a health stat, or do they just die upon taking a single hit? Is there a value that indicates lock type, or is this hardcoded? What if there are two values, one next to another, and for most weapons, the second value is 00, while for one missile the second value is something else? Is the second value a separate value, or is this actually a single two-byte value? Keeping in mind that a single byte can be a value from 0 to 255, while the second byte allows this value to be as high as 255x255, it makes quite a difference...
So, you know, you're staring at the numbers and about the only way to figure them out is to start making changes and check in-game whether you can see a clear indication of what exactly you changed. Ultimately, I never went through this process for WC2 missiles, I only have the raw data (and even this is incomplete, looking at it now - there's no data for the chaff pod). This is still a lot better than what I have for any of the WC1 weapons - which is absolutely nothing.
Finally, there are the Armada weapons. I have the stats for these typed out as well - both the guns and the missiles. These stats are clearly labelled - it's not just raw data. Where did I get these from? Did the ship editor for Armada also allow weapons editing? Or did I get these with a hex editor? I simply do not know. I can't even find that editor any more...
I did, by the way, at some point also make a start on figuring out WC3/4 ship stats, which sadly never really went too far. You can check out the discussion
here. Good times!