
Originally posted by $tormin
a lion cant formulate any sort of complex stragagy ahead of time, the kilrathi can.

Hey, so much praise for the Kilrathi from you $tormin? Have you finally seen the light? ;)
Originally posted by Talyn 83
It is if it was Kilrathi ARE stupid morons.

Finally, you humans are starting to see things right.
Are you implying that calling the Kilrathi stupid morons is a) a compliment, and b) correct? Some Kilrathi sympathiser you are ... :rolleyes:
You should go into politics, Quarto:D

I was implying that $tormin's former view was: "Kilrathi are morons", which naturally was an insult:rolleyes:
Politics? Why does pointing out that your statement implied something other than what you actually wanted to say automatically mean I should go into politics? :)
Kilrathi being stupid?? No. Sometimes they just can't think past their own claws.:D
Originally posted by Frosty
"Kilrathi are not stupid morons." is hardly praise. :)

I think it's the nicest thing $tormin ever said about the Kilrathi. So it is at least some kind of praise, seen very relativly. <g>
Quarto: I meant how you managed to turn my words around completely. I could have sworn I was talking to a Belgian politician. :D

Mekt: My point exactly. Thank you.:)
Yeah, Talyn? Well, I uh... I deny everything! :)
Seriously though, when I first read your message, I really thought that you had accidentally twisted your phrase to mean the opposite of what you wanted :p.