Hades--- Question for you.

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Rear Admiral
Well... Hades, we've never really interacted much since I've joined this community and now I have a pretty big request.

Is there any way for the CIC to host a Crusader No Remorse/No Regret portion of the site? I'll be the one maintaining it and updating it whenever I can. The main reason why I want to do this is because I need to interact with Crusader fans! I've hardly EVER seen a Crusader fan online, and it might attract more people to the site.

Thanks alot!!!!
I bet that Hades would be very happy to interact with you.
He likes smiles and winkles...if you know what i mean.
I spoke with ZFG in #wingnut about this.

This kind of thing is best suited for private messages or e-mails. At the very least, sending messages privately instead of via a public forum will cut down on the people who think they're being witty by making cutesy replies containing vague innuendoes and such.

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